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Generating Renewable Energy Business Enterprise (GREBE)
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description (EN): GREBE will focus on the challenges of peripheral and arctic regions as places for doing business and help develop renewable energy (RE) business opportunities provided by extreme conditions. It will support successful development of SMEs and start-ups in this sector through analysis of advanced RE options, expert business mentoring, transnational models of successful growth strategies, policy analysis and information on funding mechanisms for businesses and support agencies. Challenges including a lack of critical mass, dispersed settlements, poor accessibility and vulnerability to climate change effects are well recognised. GREBE will equip SMEs and start-ups with the skills and confidence to overcome these challenges and use place based natural assets for RE to best sustainable effect.GREBE will enable local entrepreneurs and SMEs to grow their business, to provide local jobs, and meet energy demands of local communities. A comprehensive approach that advocates a supportive and innovative policy framework and promotes awareness of funding schemes is required. GREBE will support diversification of the technological capacity of SMEs and start-ups so that they can exploit the natural conditions of their locations. RE tailored, expert guidance and mentoring will be provided to ensure SMEs and start-ups have the knowledge and expertise to grow and expand their businesses.GREBE will provide a platform for transnational sharing of knowledge to demonstrate the full potential of the RE sector by showcasing innovations on RE technology and strengthening accessibility to expertise and business support available locally and in other NPA regions. By facilitating access to similar SMEs and start-ups, research institutes and technological experts, networking and learning opportunities will arise, with new skills and methods of doing business shared.  Expected Results (EN): Conditions for start-ups in remote, sparsely populated areas Expected Outputs (EN): The GREBE project work packages have been carefully formulated to deliver robust and viable outcomes, products and services that will equip start-ups and existing SMEs with the confidence, knowledge and expertise to drive forward and grow their business. The project will first establish a firm understanding of the possibilities and constraints of the existing policy framework for businesses in the renewable energy sector, and explore both the technologies currently available to support the RE sector and existing technologies that could be adapted for renewable energy purposes. In doing so, careful consideration will be afforded to physical and climatic challenges of the NPA region, including the harsh conditions of the arctic region, and how policy and technology conditions can be adapted to turn these challenges into opportunities for economic growth and development. The physical conditions and climate of the NPA region are well recognised for their potential to support more intensive renewable energy activity. The GREBE project is focused on ensuring interested start-ups and SMEs are well positioned to effectively harness these opportunities, and so that they have the knowledge and confidence to take calculated risks. In turn, the impact of their success will bring wider societal, economic and environmental benefits to the remote communities in which they are located.
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  • 60.8%   1 079 174,11
  • 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Northern Periphery and Artic
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants