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Gender Perspective in our day-today lives and its effects on design arts and crafts
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background: The aim with this project was to provoke thoughts and generate discussion on gender issues, and take steps towards a more tolerant and equal society. Through this project we wished to bring up issues concerning gender equality especially in daily life situations which will have an impact in work and education situations for young people. One of the EU 2020 strategy and aims is to increase the number of young people in work and education. For finding a work new way of thinking is necessary. The youth exchange: The Youth Exchange ?Gender Perspective in our day-today lives and its effects on design arts and crafts? took place in Turku in Finland during one week 21-28 February 2015. There were 14 young people aged 14-22 from Sweden and 14 young people aged 19-26 from Finland. Also, there were two group leaders from Sweden responsible for the drama and music workshops and three group leaders from Finland responsible for the workshops in media/photo and textile. The exchange started and ended at the Youth and Creativity House Vimma in Turku, but the main workshops were located outside Turku, at the campsite Ahtela of Turku Youth Services. The methods were in a form of non-formal learning, basically art-based workshops like drama & music, media and textile and with the focus on gender issues. The intention was that all three workshops groups should have been mixed groups of Finnish and Swedish participants. But actually it was only the media group that achieved that goal, in music and drama there was one participant from Finland and the rest of the group was from Sweden. Due to that, the aim to build strong bonds within the group and create a good basis for teamwork did not work out as expected. However all participants collaborated well together especially the last day, when they should present the outcomes of the workshops and create happenings in a shopping centre and the market hall, for seeing the reactions from the people on the streets. Outputs: A Facebook group were set up, the division between the Finnish and Swedish group were made as according to the plan, the ADV meeting in January were productive and the program of the exchange were held properly. Presentations about EVS and the Erasmus plus program were made. The project started with a visit to the Wäinö Aaltonens museum for inspiration as planned and everybody contributed throughout the projects phases depending of their abilities and possibilities. Dissemination: The Swedish group met each other a couple of times after the youth exchange for oral and written evaluation and also for planning the event when presenting the project in a perfuming way. This event took place in one of the Stockholm?s school of the Arts premises. The visitors could see films from the project, listen to songs and take part in different kind of exercises from the project. It was a very interactive dissemination. The Finnish group also met each other a couple of times after the youth exchange for oral and written evaluation. A presentation about the project was held for the public. This presentation took place in the University of Applied sciences, Novia. In this event there was a lot of audience and they really enjoyed it. It was a very fruitful event, the visitors showed a big interest to the gender subject and lively discussions were held. Also the Swedish speaking radio channel Vega Åboland and the newspaper Åbo Underrättelser did pay attention to our project. A photo exhibition was held in Vimma during March 2015 for the public and stakeholders. Lesson learned: we have learned that it is important to gather a group which is in the same age so they start from the same level and have more or less the same previous knowledge, the original Finnish group changed due to the fact that we changed our dates from October to February. Finally: we did what we had planned to do in the project; everyone has learned new skills and experienced new knowledge. The project partners in Turku and Stockholm are going to make new EU-projects together and also with new project partners involved, who we hope to find in Vila Marmeleira Portugal, during the Partnership Building activity . "I found it time to time hard to work on writing the report in Mobility tool. The Mobility tool doesnt work properly, quite often I couldn´t open the program and I find it frustrating becouse of my scheduale at work, I have also a lot of other duties and meetings at my work in Turku Youth services.Today 30.9 for example is the first time I can open Mobility tool this week,and that mean I can not leave our projects report in the given date 30.9 . I have spoken to the Finnish National Agency about the problem, they agreed with me that according to this problem with MB, our report will be late. Next week im attending Make the Move activity in Portugal and can continue and subimt this report after the 14th of October"

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