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Gender Equality and Entreprenership for All
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Commission adopted a Women’s Charter on 5 March 2010 and committed to strengthening gender equality in all its policies. To translate the Women’s Charter’s objectives into reality, the EC adopted an action plan for promoting equality between men and women –the Gender Equality Strategy.“The actions in the Strategy will help us address some of the remaining gender gaps.The gender gap in the employment rate was 12 percentage points in 2009. We will work to improve women’s participation in the labour market by facilitating the work-life balance, promoting female entrepreneurship,” declared Viviane Reding, former Vice-President of the European Commission Justice, in “Strategy for equality between women and men” 2010-2015. This project will raise awareness of equal opportunities epecially in VET education and will promote entrepreneurship education as a solution to gender gap in the employment rate. To reach the Europe 2020 objective of a 75% employment rate,particular attention needs to be given to the proportion of female entrepreneurs, at 33% (30% in start-ups),which is some way short of optimum and most women still do not consider entrepreneurship as a relevant career option. Young women should also benefit from the growing emphasis on entrepreneurship as one of the basic skills that schools should teach all pupils, girls or boys. It is this issue, which needs to be addressed. The development of entrepreneurial mindsets is becoming embedded in policy across Europe.It is this new approach that the project will experiment in the partners’ organizations, institutions and schools The GEEA aims at: • form a Strategic Partnership of organisations which will raise awareness on equal opportunities/ gender equality preparing our target group for the labour market • devise tools to examine gender issues and offer guidance • produce a series of core publications • establish means and methods for participants to share their experiences, products and expertise • create a new approach to promoting entrepreneurship education as a solution to gender gap in the employment rate • enhance value to existing best practice by widespread dissemination • connect to national and European initiatives The target group will be: 1.key stakeholders, policy formulators and decision makers;NGOs,Women Associations,Trade Unions,companies, SMEs,Social enterprises. 2.Vet teachers, Primary/secondary teachers,teacher trainers,student teachers, educators, inspectors. The real beneficiaries will be our VET students and in the long run those who will join this type of education later as they are now in lower secondary or primary school. To achieve this GEEA will: 1. undertake research and publish the “state of the art” 2. produce a Code of Practice for decision makers,policy makers, teachers, headteachers, managers of adult education organisations and leaders of NGOs on equal opportunities and gender equality issues. 3. mentoring young female entrepreneurs 4. needs analysis for training teachers,student teachers and teacher trainers 5. examine pedagogical approaches 6. produce a Training Programme and Guidance resources for teachers and educators and a Student Kit 7. create a Web site with services offering access to materials, 8.Creat an online community, training opportunities and GEEA products, research reports, resources, B-learning TP etc; 8. disseminate GEEA and widen the community via the extended networks of partners. The main results of the GEEA project are: O1.State of the Art General Report O2.The Code of Practice ready to be marketed in the partners countries of the project plus EU-wide.(in English) O3.INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON STUDY ON THE NEEDS OF DEVELOPING GENDER EQUALITY SKILLS IN RELATION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES O4.EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES/GENDER EQUALITY RELATED TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS THROUGH A PERSONALISATION APPROACH TRAINING PROGRAMME O5.GUIDE BOOK FOR TEACHERS APPLYING THE GEEA B- LEARNING TRAINING PROGRAMME O6.STUDENT KIT FOR GEEA O7.ADAPTATION OF TRAINING METHODS TO A B-LEARNING SYSTEM: DISTANCE (WEB ENVIRONMENT) AND WORKSHOP ON USABILITY OF THE PLATFORM AND TRAIN THE TRAINER O8 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SPECIFIC CONTENTS AND PROGRAMME TAILORING TO EACH COUNTRY CHARACTERISTICS AND NEW TARGET AUDIENCE AND INTENSIVE TRAINING SESSIONS - PILOTING1AND 2 The legacy of GEEA project is in its contribution to and clarifying issues being faced in Europe. It is concerned with the information-rich society, hungry for quick answers but too rarely considering the consequences and outcomes related to it. GEEA outcomes will help a range of stakeholders establish their objectives to meet the needs of gender equality-aware citizens. Therefore important competence areas are addressed.It is envisaged that the outcomes will be sustainable as increasing numbers of schools, training providers and other training organisations look to adopt and adapt personalised learning method used in the TP.

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