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Gemeinsam Aufbauen - kreativ, nachhaltig und ökologisch
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The international youth exchange takes place in Wissen a.d. Sieg under the motto: "Together to build future". 24 young people from Germany, Ukraine and Russia live and work two weeks together on the ecological restoration of a youth holiday home and the construction of a birch bark canoe. This youth exchange is the first of a three-year cooperation within the ewoca³ funding program. In the following years, the organizations in Russia and Ukraine will be hosting. Working together, the cultural exchange and the joint adventure-based activities lead to greater mutual understanding and create more resilient personal relationships even across national borders. Cooking together with the involvement of different national characteristics makes the opportunities that lie in a multi-national diversity, experienced. Especially in times of political crisis in Russia and Ukraine, the direct contact in a Youth Exchange provides the ability to overcome prejudices. The restauration under ecological points of view offers many chances to promote education for sustainable development. Thus, in the application of insulation cover can be demonstrated to the CO2-savings and to combat climate change. Erosion control structures in the outdoor area, provide starting points on the problem of soil erosion due to deforestation, which is an environmental issue in many countries. Young people are not just increasing their personal skills, but also gain insights into various professional fields and socially relevant issues. The young people who are part of the project are at a disadvantage due to their origin, their economic, social or personal background and have otherwise rare opportunity with their peers from other countries to come into direct contact. Young people with disabilities are integrated into the project. The Youth Exchange provides an unforgettable experience for the young people involved and thus leads to long-term learning outcomes and attitude changes.
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