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Gelişen Eğitim Dünyamızda Çok Yönlü Gelişimin Temel Yapı Taşı : Seçmeli Ders Uygulamaları
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are aware that the system of rapidly improving world beside main courses there are also elective course applications that has a large contribution to students ‘ knowledge , emotional and sociaol improvements. Our school is one of these instution that took a prize in Total Quality Management System about the project ‘ Eğlenerek Öğreniyorum’( Learning With Fun)which has apurpose that leading students to social activities and increasing the success. In today’s life because of lacking of book, material, and methodology, we can’t carry out elective course applications properly. Thanks to these courses we will have the chance not only completing our occupational deficiencies , but also being able to lead students to choose elective courses in an efficient way.At the end of this course we will be able to grow up students who has the aim of internationalisation , can evaluate and comment the world , can think and decide free, creative , enterprising , have consciousof cooperation. On this purpose we have decided to carry out this projects with 15 collegues who are volunteered and aimed to improve themselves. At the end of the course , we will have the opportunity to search about different cultures and reveal our own culture in Europe. AIMS OF THE PROJECT We will be able to : -prepare effective and efficient elective course plans according to knowledge and experiences getting from the courses we take - present the formed elective course plans as a schematical method to our Ministry of Education -Increasing the quality of our School with the help of teachers and students having creative thinking , multiple thinking , problem based learning strategies. - Increasing personal professional proficiency with the help of information and experiences shared with collagues from different countries. - İmprove our foreign language levels. - make students enterprising , creative and creative thinking in the elective courses . - increase the students’ motivation and interests about selecting the elective courses consciously. - integrate the elective course applications in European countries to our school and reach the EU standarts. -increase the intercultural awareness of our students and the teachers , improve the conciousness of being EU citizen.

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