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Geletterdheid verhogen = kansen verhogen
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Brusselleer, the centre for adult basic skills education of the European capital Brussels, wants to improve the quality of its education by learning internationally. Through job shadowing, courses and conferences we want to gain new insights and to get to know instruments and tools in order to increase the opportunities of adults through efficient literacy education. For our European project we focus on employability, social participation, empowerment of parents and innovation and improvement of our education.In the metropolitan, multicultural context where there is a huge inequality of opportunities, we have the important social responsibility to help adults to participate in a better way. As we are a learning organisation that is constantly looking for new input and is open to exchange, we want to step up to international learning, to find answers to learning issues of our organisation that are hard to find in Belgium. These learning needs are in line with our organisation’s strategic plan 2013-2018 and have been selected by the team during a staff meeting. Spread over 24 months we want to send 10 staff members (8 teachers, 1 coordinator and 1 administrative assistant) for job shadowings and structured courses or conferences:6 jobshadowings: - EMPLOYABILITY: CEPA Cuenca Minera Spain: insights, instruments and tools concerning leading low literacy adults towards work (1 teacher/language & literacy coach) - SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: Glasgow City College Scotland: insights, instruments and tools concerning increasing social participation of adults (1 teacher with experience in the field of social inslusion) - PARENTS: partner to be found: insights, instruments and tools concerning increasing parental involvement and stimulating parents to support their children’s educational progress (1 teacher or coordinator of the ‘Schoolproject’) - INNOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT: Arendal Adult Learning Centre Norway: insights, instruments and tools concerning ICT-applications in adult literacy education (1 ICT teacher); Glasgow City College: insights, instruments and tools concerning literacy screening for adults (1 administrative assistant); London University College: insights, instruments and tools concerning training of future literacy teachers in order to improve the support programme for new teachers (1 coordinator) 3 courses:- EMPLOYABILITY: course to be found - insights, instruments and tools concerning language & literacy coaching in vocational trainings for adults and integrated trajectories (1 teacher/language & literacy coach) - PARENTS: course to be found - insights, instruments and tools concerning family literacy: increasing parents’ literacy in order to improve the educational success of the children (1 teacher of the ‘Schoolproject’)- INNOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT: LESLLA-conference Granada Spain: insights, instruments and tools concerning literacy and Dutch as a second language (2 teachers literacy & Dutch L2)We choose high quality partners and courses by consulting European and national networks. We select the participants in a correct way, prepare them well (roadmap with actions) and provide a proper monitoring by according a role to different persons inside the organisation: director and coordinators follow the international activities during the fortnightly direction’s meetings, the team ‘internationalisation’ provides a coach for each participant, the financial and personnel manager addresses the administrative aspect, peer meetings will be organised and the professional development coordinator keeps the overview. We implement the learning outcomes inside our organisation by providing feedback moments to director and coordination team, by supporting the team that provided the learning issue to get started with the new input and by organising presentations on staff meetings and workshops on internal training sessions.We will share the results of the project outside our organisation by contributing to the VOCVO-newsletter, by providing presentations and workshops on seminars for literacy and Dutch L2 teachers, by participating to think tanks and working groups of the Federation of Centres for Adult Basic Education and VOCVO, by taking part in national and international discussion forums etc.The project will have a long term impact on the strategy of our organisation (development of a new strategic plan 2018-2013) with better opportunities for low literacy adults through a high quality literacy education; on the Flemish and European adult basic education through our participation in the debate and the exchange with European colleagues.

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