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Gelenekselden İnovasyona Geçiş: Avrupa'da Hazır Giyim Model Makineciliği Teknikleri Stajı
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Garment industry and textile sector have a very important place in our country’s economical structure. This sector critically contributes to offer an employment opportunity, to raise the public welfare. Denizli is the leading city of garment industry in our country and in the exportation of ready-made clothing, Denizli supplies nearly 35 percent of the country’s total export. However, according to the ‘Denizli Garment Industry Analysis Report’ which was jointly prepared by MUSIAD and Denizli Chamber of Commerce, production is stil made with conventional methods, innovative designs and innovation studies are not sufficient. For our city and country’s garment industry to be able to get into new markets, to become prominent in the international competition area, innovative methods and techniques are needed. And to be able to ensure this, qualified labor force which is equipped with qualifications of innovative applications is required. In the matter of training qualified labor force that the garmnet industry needs, vocational education foundations have a really essential role and need to develop innovative and modern approaches. Our project is prepared to be able to make our students acquire skills to apply modernised methods and tecniques by adopting international occupational standards, by the consortium organized by Sarayköy Vocational and Technical Education Center, Pamukkale Atatürk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and Merkezefendi IMKB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. Consortium coordinator is the applicant school Sarayköy Vocational and Technical Education Center. Our Project aims that the attendants learn and apply the innovative methods and techniques in the area of model devices of garment industry, to raise employment opportunity of the attendants, to apply the acqusitions in our schools and local garment industry sector and to modernise the available techniques. To be able to achieve project’s objectives, we get into a partnership with Bultur Textiel, Destiny Mode and Naaiatelier Diane in Holland which makes production in the man, woman and child markets in compliance with European standards thanks to the stitching experts. 42 students will be chosen from consortium partner schools’ Garment and Production Technology branch (each school will send 14 students.). 6 mobility will be realised in total to each hosting institution between the dates of 6th-20th March 2017 and 5th- 19th March 2017. In each mobility, there will be 7 attendant and 1 companion. During 4 mobility, there will be a student with mental disabilities. The basic contributions expected from our Project are; for our attendants to improve their vocational knowledge and skills, to provide entagration of bussiness life, their getting to know innovative and modern applications and improving their foreign language skills. For our attendants to know the importance of language diversity and cross-cultural interaction, to improve social adaptation skills, to have Europeanness awareness, to develop tolerance, to be an entrepreneur, to act in comformity with the bussiness discipline and to comprehend life-long learning conception are our project’s anticipated effects. Besides; to set up a sustainable innovative association among our schools and the institıtions giving services at European standards, to improve our schools’ institutional capacity and management skills, reformation, internationalization and modernisation of quality, to raise staff competence of our schools, to raise awareness of EU projects at institutions and organizations are the prospective effects and outcomes of our project. Our project’s long term acqusitions are; to contribute garment industry’s qualified craft need, to contribute improving quality of service of garment industry in Denizli, to get into new sustainable partnerships in national and international areas, to improve school-sector cooperation and raising more qualified craft by improving vocational training quality. Our project methodology is that; management team coordinates planned activities, by using training and show&do method, to work to raise our attendants targeted vocational level, by using promotion methods, to reach our Project and National Agency to large masses, by using evaluation method, evaluate the results and accomplish a prospering project.
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3 Partners Participants