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Geleceğin Aşçılarının Orta Avrupa Mutfak Kültürü ile Tanıştırılması
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project contains theoretical and practical training which will be carried out by 30 students and 2 companion teachers in the field of food and beverage services in the Czech Republic.Whereas nourishment maintains its importance, people evaluates nourishment as a hobby nowadays. People participates in domestic tourism and foreign travel in order to familiarize and experience different food cultures. Within the concept of these activities, small and medium sized enterprises such as hotels and restaurants are included. For example; our country spent totally 50 million liras to this sector. Enterprises make an attempt to serve quality content in food and beverage services towards tourists and consumers. The most significant part of these attempts are employing qualified personnel that have a comprehensive knowledge about cuisine culture and cuisine methods. Our EU project will provide experience to our students in this regard. Cuisine concept represent a whole with culinary. A good cooker is one of the most essential components for the future of enterprise. Culinary schools are in the forefront nowadays. After taking vocational training, our students will be competed with other cookers that have culinary school sertificates. In order to carry our students a step forward, new opportunities for identifying World cuisine should be created during the education. Our school fail about training of World cuisine practises wheras giving education about our national food culture. Our Project will assist to our students in gaining quality in cuisine practices, learning new techniques, improving presentation techniques and being ahead of the others in employment competition.Tourism is a high level income-generating sector for our country. In the 10. Development Plan (2014-2018), tourism revenue for 2018 is aimed at 45 million dollars and number of tourists are expected ad 42 million. Tourists who come to our country not also experience our own food culture but also demand their own food culture. Tourists reserve 1 of 3 their budget to food and beverage spending. There is a rapid increase in tourists coming from central Europe to our country. There are deficiencies in meeting the demand of tourists about our local cuisine culture. In the area of food and beverage services, Enterprises like hotels and restaurants are demanding and will demand for qualified personnel that have a grasp of World cuisine. Our EU project will be an opportunity to satisfy this need of enterprises for our students. Our students who take fundamental training will seek an opportunity to improve themselves in this area and take advantage of necessity of qualified personnel of sector.Our Project contains theoretical and practical training which will be carried out by 30 students and 2 companion teachers in the field of food and beverage services in the Czech Republic. Whereas nourishment maintains its importance, people evaluates nourishment as a hobby nowadays. People participates in domestic tourism and foreign travel in order to familirise and experience different food cultures.Our Project consists of two stages as “pro” and “post” mobility.Both stages will take 6 months. Our school is responsible for pro-mobility activities, both only our school and our host partner are responsible for post-mobility activity.Our school management has high expectations of our projects and aims to keep its total quality at its top level.Therefore, our contracts which will be signed by all partners will contain articles of European Quality Standards.These contratcs in which area of responsibility and duties are determined will contribute our porject’s total quality. Our Project will contribute our participants’ occupational and social evolution, whereas it make a great contribution to our schools institutional capacity. Experience of our participants will have a multiplier effect on departments of Ministry of National Education, Professional organizations, employers and focus groups in the long term. Our Project mainly will take an active rol in raising the awareness and encouraging. Our participnt teachers and students will have an effect on subjects such as solving existing roblems and arousing interest of our school management, other profesional organizations in our province, Ministry and Directorate of National Education, professional chambers and employers,Objectives of our projects are;-to make sure that our students understand importance of multidimensional development in occupational, social and cultural meaning, -to be able to graduate our students more qualified by enhancing our institutional capacity, -to answer tourism and service sector’s requirement of qualified personnel,-to take an active role in encouraging and creating awareness on subjects such as giving importance to vocational training and preparing EU projects upon target groups as employers, Professional chambers, Ministry of National Education and other vocational schools.
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1 Partners Participants