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"Geh mit einer qualifizierten beruflichen und allgemeinen Bildung kompetent in Europas Zukunft" "Let's go with a qualified vocational and general education into the future of Europe"
Start date: Jun 15, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description of the project 2014 „Let’s go with a qualified vocational and general education into the future of Europe“ The success of previous projects that dealt with intercultural education and barriers in the education of young people encouraged us to continue on this account. The results show that the participants’ educational willingness as well as the interest in other cultures and the value foreign language skills increased rapidly. The opening of the European job market requires an outstanding vocational and general education as well as the acquirement of language skills and vocational professionalism. The personal, educational and vocational future is closely connected to the European integration and globalization. The topic of the new projects should deduct barriers within vocational – educational fields and aims for possibilities to a comparability and a transparency of education. The project: “Let’s go with a qualified vocational and general education into the future of Europe” would like to be dedicated to this topic and the vocational college Berufsbildende Schulen V in Halle/Saale, Germany is applying for it. The vocational college Berufsbildende Schulen 5 has been living a school partnership with the vocational college of Oulu, the biggest college of Northern Finland since September 2011. The vocational college of Oulu will be the partner of this project. Three groups of a total of 27 vocational college students of various branches of study should develop and realize this topic together with Finish students during their three weeks lasting stays in Oulu/ Finland. The students study in the fields of health care, body care and social pedagogic studies. They learn to become dental nurses, practical nurses, dental technicians, cosmeticians, hair dressers, elderly carer, kindergarten teachers and educators for people with special needs. During the first week of their stay the participants get to know their partners of the project and get first contacts. Within this time their task is also to get familiar with typical local conditions of the country. The college in Finland, the city of Oulu and cultural places of interest will be getting acquainted. The second week the German participants will be placed in the company/ care facility/ kindergarten that will be responsible for the practical side of the internship and so the participants get to know the Finish setting of their profession. Every participant will be working with practical help during the internship and will be compiling their task of the project. The last week will be used to feedback and reflect the learned and to put together the results. During their stay the participants should achieve language skills, cultivate professional competences and overcome personal problems by being stimulated to act on their own. The specific aims of every occupational group are the acquirement of occupational competences and intercultural specifications, professional language skills as well as the reflection of personal insufficiency. The task of the project is to develop possibilities to make vocational education comparable and experiencable Europe wide. The participants compare their vocational contents of their occupancy and develop operation processes to specified topics together. Therewith the participants get task to compare specified operation processes within their professions with the ones in Finland and notice together with the Finish students positive differences. Meanwhile they develop methods that enable future workers of these study fields to enact equally. A schedule of working procedures should be created that contains logical steps of details of working process of a care action, a game or the production of a product. The schedule should contain a list of used or needed materials. Furthermore safety rules and regulations as well as hints could be developed. The work needs to be presented in English, German and Finish and should alleviate the education and the work of future vocational students abroad at the internship. The results will be summarized and published in a brochure. The use of knowledge and skills enables the participants of the project to compare personal emphasis of their vocational training and also to develop new methods. They come to conclusions for their professional future. Furthermore the participants experience the value of foreign language skills and new dimensions in social competences such as openness and tolerance. The necessity of a considerable general education will be become aware of. They get a broad understanding of the cultural as well as social diversity of Europe. The own experience abroad offers a special long lasting and interesting chance of acquirement of international competence.
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