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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Public Kindergarten No. 7 in Piła is a unit of the Municipality Piła. Kindergarten accordance with The Statute has organized four groups of 25 children. In ages between 3-6 years old (at latest to 8 years old - children deferred from compulsory school for various reasons, based on the opinion or judgment of Psychologists and Pedagogists). We are a team that can work together regardless of age and experience. This is our strong advantage and this causes that we create our Kindergarten with passion. We want to make better organization of teaching process for developing good value of activities organization.Our main goal is offering all children developing key competences to prepare them for further education at school,which was described in European Reference Framework.Project title is WHEN YOU SUPPORT ME, THE WORLD GETS OPEN. The participants of the project 11 teachers. The indirect participant of project is group of 100 children, who attended our kindergarten.Main goal of project is improve the quality of work and strengthening pre-school teachers' professional competences based on the European experience. This project in mainly based on reaping of knowledge, skills and experience of foreign teachers. Our teachers will increase their language and professional competence through participation in trainings:ACTION 1: Job shadowing – consists of a direct observation foreign teachers' work in their organization.ACTION 2: Teachers participation in foreign courses/trainings which will increase their professional competence. We assume that Mission of Kindergarten will be supplemented by the action:- supporting children in developing key competences, including learning and communication in native and English language, and teachers will support children with their individual development;- opening Kindergarten for Multiculturality of Europe. The vision of Kindergarten's development will include taking international exchange of experience in realization core curriculum – common for most of European countries. We are going to conduct a study to check the level of achievement of the goals. This will give an answer for: “Did acquired knowledge, experience and skills improve quality kindergarten's work and did it enhance professional and language competence of project's participants? If so, to what extent this has been achived?”. The basic diagnostic method will be survey research. There will be used techniques: qiestionnaire and interview. The tools of those techniques are: questionnaire form, interview form, instruction to analyzing documents.Above diagnostics will be conducted after completion of the project, and results will be published as “European experience in our kindergarten” publication. We assume that project participants will increase the professional and language competence on the basis of European experience and direct contact with foreign teachers.Teachers have an open attitude to changes. This will cause that our kindergarten will develop to European level of quality. Teachers will be able to meet the needs of children with equal educational opportunities, to familiarize the child with the new Information and Communication Technologies and to work with children at riskof social exclusion.Teachers will be ready to apply good practices observed during mobilities. All employees of kindergarten will understand multiculturality (at social, language and cultural dimension). This is professionalism created by this project. Moreover there is one more important thing in this project – the project is the Piła's and kindergarten's promotion in Europe. There are long-term benefits associated with the implementation of the project:a. elaboration, implementation and publication good practice based on European solutions and experience;b. elaboration and publication of methodological guide named “Developing key competence (learning and communication in native and English language) in kindergarten – European solutions as chance for implementation of a common core curriculum for multicultural societies”. This will be useful for trainee teachers and students engaged in professional practice and also teachers using the service of Teachers Training Centre in Piła.c. organization of bilingual two groups of children in kinderagrten;d. reorganization kindergarten's website to be available in English;e. exchanging work experience with foreign teachers;f. efficient management of projects of varying scope which will take our kindergarten in the next years. This will results in a new quality of kindergarten.This Project fits in with the objectives of the European-Education and training 2020 – improvement of quality and effectiveness of education and training.
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