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GCC Professional Chef's EuroStage
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project funded by The European Union through the Erasmus Plus program will run over a two year period and allow access for up to 62 different students to participate in internships and vocationally related activity in colleges, hotels and restaurants within the EU. Additionally the project will allow up to three members of staff at GCC to participate in a program of professional development with a partner college in Germany thus impacting on the quality of teaching and learning in GCC and adding value to the delivery in other institutions.Students from GCC are overwhelmingly from backgrounds of socio-economic hardship and we anticipate this mobility project will allow them to harness their potential, aim higher and reach further in terms of their life and career expectations. This project aims to address social inclusion and provide opportunities to students to enhance their career and life prospects. Students in Hospitality and Catering need to develop an international perspective to respond to the opportunities and demands of our global industry. As an organisation we need to meet the demands of industry for well trained, skilled young chefs. We also need to respond and build solid partnerships with other EU institutions which will allow us to participate in the EU as an educational body and afford our students the opportunitity to develop their skills and careers within the context the wider labour market within Europe.The college together with our partners will organise 6 individual tranches of work based training for students in Professional Cookery and Hospitality Programs at GCC. There will be 3 tranches a year in 2016 and 2017 in three different locations (two in Germany and one in Italy). Students will have the opportunity to train in high profile establishments and further develop their vocational skill-sets and employability competencies. Additionally students will have the opportunity to meet other young people in similar career pathways to their own and engage in cross-cultural activity which allows them to learn about the differences and similarities in culture and experience.We envisage the impact of this experience on our students to correlate with a measurable increase in self confidence, resilience and tenacity coupled with a desire to achieve more for themselves. International work experience will differentiate them from their peers and improve their employability pathways in the short term and long term. This is especially important to us as our students have to compete with many other young people from all over Europe to secure that all important first job role post college and this project seeks to address youth unemployment in an area of London where it is especially high.Reputationally as a new provider of Hospitality Education in London we need to build our profile as a college and improve our organisations European perspective. This collaborative project will provide long term benefits to our college and our student body, the links and relationships we establish in this collaboration will allow us to develop other trans-national partnerships in the future and allow us to further promote European values and ideals to our students and staff.
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3 Partners Participants