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Gastronomie bez hranic - učíme se pro život
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project "Gastronomy without borders - we learn for life" is to enable the pupils SŠHSS Teplice nad Metují to gain new theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the gastronomic field through the internship in Italy, to deepen their linguistic and professional competence and to motivate them to lifelong learning. We strive for the professional quality of the internship, the program will be held according to the unit of "Mediterranean specialties" learning outcomes, in accordance with the standards of the ECVET.The aim of the project is also prevention of unemployment and the increase in interest in vocational education. Our school is located in Broumov headland, where there is currently high unemployment. Children of unemployed parents from socially disadvantaged backgrounds go very often to our school, with no higher personal and professional goals. The internship will allow both the pupils and their parents to get an overview of the requirements of the labour market in the EU and to deepen their personal and professional development. It will arrange them information about the possibilities of employment in the EU and this will motivate them to learn foreign languages and to further educate themselves in their profession. The prevailing kind-of-activity forms of teaching focused on the learning and graduation branch of study are invaluable for the participants of the internship. Participants will gain experience with different work environments, and with work in an international team. An integral part of the internship also will be the professional, cultural and language preparation. Participating students will also extend their knowledge about the country of our foreign partners.The pupils at the initial stage of vocational training at the age of 15 to 20 years are the target group of the project, there is therefore space for their professional formation and motivation to further increase their professional and personality competences. This will increase their competitiveness on the european labour market.The internship is planned in two cycles. It will be attended by 24 school students of the Chef – the waiter branch, of Gastronomy branch and the Hotel industry branch. Pedagogical accompaniment will be provided by two employees of the school. The project is based on the cooperation of the proposer of the project with the Raffaello hotel in Cesenatico in Italy. This partner meets the requirements of the project and we cooperated with him in the past. It ensures participants in the internship practice in the centres at the Raffaello hotel and in restaurants and hotels in the area. The theoretical teaching will be ensured in the IAL Cesenatico school. Internship in hotel Raffaello, Cesenatico in Italy is planned as a two-week.The output of the project will be 24 supported pupils, who will receive the Europass mobility and Certificate with a description of the professional program. The participants will share the newly acquired knowledges and skills from the gastronomy branch and the results of the internship with their classmates, during the school project day. We will familiarize the public with the results of the project through the local and regional press and during school events.Participation in the project will support the personal growth of pupils and will motivate them to better results in education. The school will obtain higher prestige with the implementation of the project and a competitive advantages in the recruitment of new pupils. About the implementation of the project and its results we will inform the public through the local and regional press and radio.The national level dissemination of the results of the internship will take place in the professional competitions. All outputs from the project will be listed in the promotional materials of the school, which we are preparing for the public and hand on to the exhibitions of the schoosl, during open doors of our school and during other activities of the school.

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