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Gastronomia - uczymy się w Europie
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Hotel and Catering Technical School no1 in Kraków is an active place which wants to give an international dimension of education through foreign staff and youth training. By building and strengthening a solid cooperation with foreign partners, we increase and diversify educational apprenticeship of both the students and the teachers. The project is to support the educational process of the students and to make vocational improvement easier for the teachers. The present model of vocational education does not follow the employers’ requirements and expectations. The former pupils who leave school are not sufficiently prepared to start working professionally. The employers complain that the graduates do not have basic skills and they have to put a lot of effort and money to train their young employees. The employers say that the graduates lack creativity, openness to changes and weakness of language skills. If the efforts of schools and employees were joined, it would be possible for the students to decrease the gap between theory and practice and let them start in life much more easily. This is the only possible direction for the future of their lifelong learning. To ensure high quality of education at the workplace, one needs cooperation of teachers, employers, their associations, educational authorities, the students and their parents. It calls for greater trust and cooperation in the development of educational programs and recognition of qualifications acquired in the workplace. The main objective of the project is to increase the mobility of staff and young people, extend the competences and gain experience that will help them find their way in the future in a competitive job market. That is why, we plan to organize work placements for students and the type of ” job shadowing” trips for the teachers who teach vocational subjects. The project involves the departure of three groups of teachers (8 people) for a week of training to France, Austria and Slovakia and 11 international 3-week internships for students. Altogether, a total of 24 teachers of vocational subjects, and 58 students with their guardians will leave. The training for teachers in each country will take a week. The project participants are teachers of vocational subjects such as: catering, hotel, tourism, economic and vocational foreign language at The Hotel and Catering Technical School no1 in Kraków. They are qualified teachers with a long-term experience in teaching. We need some new examples of good solutions, openness to other institutions and the countries of the European Union. The contemporary Europe needs highly qualified teaching staff who have the appropriate motivation to work and predispositions for the teaching profession. Only this will allow for effective education of children and young people. During their stay in Austria, France and Slovakia the teachers will visit schools, attend workshops, meetings with representatives of the employers with whom these schools cooperate with, their foreign partners (from around 10 countries of Europe), also with representatives of educational authorities and local communities. The result of this training will be to develop teachers' changes in the vocational curricula and adapt them to the needs of the labor market in Europe. Student internships will help in a better preparation of students for the profession: they will be more fluent in speaking a foreign language, more cooperative in an international team, and more open to new experiences. There will be potential long-term benefits resulting from the project such as the reduction of unemployment in the region, caused by the good preparation of graduates to enter the labor market and a competent and experienced teaching staff. Other benefits are improving the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects, improving the quality of vocational education in schools and increasing the availability of foreign work placements for students. Gaining international experience by both the teachers and the students will be crucial for their personal and professional development and for the increase of the attractiveness at the labor market. The student who did an internship abroad, will gain employment more easily, and the teacher of international professional experience will increase his / her competence and qualifications which will be useful for the graduate to enter the labor market.

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