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Future Is Now
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European voluntary service project Future Is Now will be carried out in Viimsi Parish, which is a popular living area with about 18 000 citizens next to Tallinn. Viimsi Kindergartens and the Youth Centre of Viimsi have both strong ambition to host a foreign volunteer based on the experience with several ones from the past. We would like to host two volunteers to ensure efficient cooperation and synergy between volunteers and to affect more intensively local population’s solidarity. The main target of the project is to increase the volunteers self-assesment and self-management skills, work habits, lifelong learning and social initiative through various supported activities in youth organizations of Viimsi. Activities of the project should help youngsters to develop their independence, courage and openness as personality characteristics and to learn about Estonian culture, manners and traditions. They can get work experience and find new friends. We hope to intensify cooperation between the partners and to inspire youngsters in Viimsi to take part of voluntary projects themselves; to have positive experience with the project and insure the continuation of it.Viimsi Municipality is willing to host volunteers from Germany and France. Both of volunteers have strong motivation to be hosted by Estonians and to have knowledge about Estonian language, culture and history:The young woman working in the Youth Centre is educated as an educator. Volunteerism is a challenge for her as she hopes to learn new working skills and technics here. She is very interested in working with youth in the youth centre to be outside the formal education’s limits and to put different possibilities of the non-formal education into practice. The young man working in the Viimsi Kindergartens desires to work with children through sports and movement exercises. He has no experience with pre-school aged children, but is motivated to have the challenge and to realize his strength - sports in its different forms. He believes that sports and different ways of movement is an efficient option to contact children. His interest is to practice the possibilities of contacting children without verbal communication.Both possible volunteers desire to live alone in a foreign culture and to learn to manage with alien people to define themselves and their abilities better.Kindergarten is municipal organization offering formal pre-school education for children aged 3-7. The work tasks of the volunteer there is to assist the teacher with performing movement exercises and sports activities, to guide children in their time free of courses to be more active and ready for physical activities and sports games, to help with organizing sports events for children.The Youth Centre in Viimsi is an organization giving non-formal education to youngsters aged 7-26 and there are no limited age groups there. The main task of the volunteer’s work in the centre is to support youngster in their activities and to propose new ideas for spending their free time valuably in multiple forms. Leading of the project is hold in mutual partnership between partners in Estonia in which the functions and responsibilities are divided. General management, documentation management and financing is hold by Viimsi Municipality. The hosting organization is responsible for ensuring accomplishable work for volunteers, also to solve the practical aspects – accommodation, transportation, domestic issues, free time activities etc. Sending organizations are obliged to prepare volunteers for the project period and to support them during their volunteering. Project leading is inspected and aimed to support the welfare of the volunteers and good cooperation between project partners.As a result of the project volunteers who passed the period should be more opened to the world, more active and independent, motivated to continue lifelong studying to realize themselves in their work fields. Youth organizations in Viimsi Parish are richer with great experiences and ready to continue international projects. Local population is more tolerant with foreigners, employees of the kindergarten and youth organizations are motivated to educate themselves continually.The project affects: volunteers taking part of it can manage their working career more efficiently; youngsters of Viimsi region to participate in the international voluntary work projects and to form multiple skills, values and attitudes thereby.
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4 Partners Participants