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Future, Ambitions and Challenges for Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students aged between 12 and 16 in six secondary schools (France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey) will carry out a project turned towards the future of Europe and entitled F.A.C.E. (Future, Ambitions and Challenges for Europe). We have identified various challenges that our students, as European citizens, will have to face for a better future, and which cover issues relevant to all European countries, and more specifically to the areas where we live. - The environment: the need to sensitize people about the necessity to resort to environmental-friendly energies, housing and vehicles and promote sustainable development; - Economy: the need to foster employment, especially that of young people, by local companies; the need to promote partnerships between schools and the professional world; the need to help SMEs selling local products develop on a local and European scale; - Health: the need to sensitize children from an early age about the necessity to adopt a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet and the practice of sport; - Culture and identity: the need to promote intercultural knowledge by emphasizing specificities and similarities in the partners’ cultures, and thus foster a common European identity (our common FACE) based on common sets of values so as to overcome prejudice and guarantee a peaceful future. The actions carried out throughout the project will enable pupils to develop core competences (ICT, foreign languages, maths, science, writing), as well as personal skills essential for lifelong learning and for their insertion into the professional world: entrepreneurship, initiative, teamwork, autonomy, creativity, problem-solving, etc… A project website will first be created to present our work and all the productions made by students throughout the project. The environmental and technological part of the project will lead pupils to carry out research about local environmental issues and work with environmental associations for the creation of posters for a European exhibition called "Let's face it!". The knowledge they will get regarding ecological energies and materials will enable them to propose their own innovations through the creation of models of environmental-friendly houses and of a European ecological house model which will be presented on an international environmental fair at the end of the year. To deal with the economic issue, the students will set up real partnerships with local companies, carry out marketing actions for the promotion of their products and create a European multilingual marketing brochure. The local companies we will work with and their products will be presented on a specifically-created "Made Here" website. A real students' company will also be set up in some schools for the sale of local products and an international economic fair will take place at the end of the year for a larger impact of our marketing actions. At the same time, students will extend their partnership with companies selling healthy food products by leading sensitization actions in primary schools about the necessity to adopt a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet and the practice of sport. These actions will include the presentation of an App specifically created to help with the health and sport issue. Finally, pupils' creativity will reach its full expression with the creation of a common art book entitled "FACE" for which pupils will gather artworks of different types representing their own identity and culture (texts, poems, paintings, photos, etc...) as well as make their own artworks meant to epitomize their common European identity. A CD including local songs from each country and a European song entitled "Our Faces"created by students, as well as a European play entitled "FACE" written and performed by students will also constitute the outcomes of this part of the project on European identity. An end-of-year European performance will enable them to present these creations to a large audience. We thus expect this project to bring beginnings of solutions to the issues we all face as European citizens. The impact of our project should be significant on students themselves, as they will develop their own competences and open up to Europe, but also on teachers through the exchange of skills and practices. An enduring spirit of initiative and willingness to pursue international cooperation will constitute sustainable benefits in each school. We expect a long-term impact on the local community as a whole (municipalities, entrepreneur and environmental associations, companies, other schools) as local stakeholders who will help with the project should get concrete benefits from our work and will be able to keep and re-use our productions for future actions. To finish, our experience will be shared with the lifelong learning community on a national and European scale to make our productions available to the public and inspire other European projects.

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