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Further development and implementation of QF in BiH (KOBiH)
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With one year delay, the Council of Ministers of BiH (state-level government) adopted the Action plan for development and implementation of QF in BiH for period 2014-2020) in February 2015.Unfortunately, due to the internal political reasons, the Inter-sectoral committee for development and implementation of QF in BiH, as the main implementing and coordination body for QF in BiH, has not yet been established or started its work. In the meantime, as a transitional body, an ad hoc working group for QF in BiH has been established and started working on certain elements of the Action plan.The overall 2016 focus on NQF/ EQF will continue to be: implementation of the Action plan for development and implementation of QF in BiH for period 2014-2020; raising visibility and awareness on NQF/ EQF and its benefits for stakeholders and wider public; building links between NQF/ EQF and QA and recognition policy and practice, as well as its potential use in the overall education reform and enhancing transparency, accountability, mobility and employability of BiH citizens in BiH and abroad.Specific 2016 focus will include preparation, coordination and drafting of a referencing report on the harmonisation of the QF in BiH with EQF (establishment and training of the referencing WG; drafting of the referencing report).It will also include linking, facilitating communication and creating partnerships between all relevant stakeholders included in QF development and implementation process in BiH, with focus on representatives from sectors of education, employment and labour market, as well as enhancing links btw NQF in BiH with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), and thus with qualifications frameworks of other countries – primarily within former Yugoslavia/ Western Balkans and SEE region (SEE 2020).

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