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From Drug Trips to Rehabilitation Chain
Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Based on a research in school health care, it was evident that the attitudes of school children towards alcohol and drugs had become more tolerant and drugs had become available more easily. Th e staff of social and health care faced a new professional challenge, and there was a requirement on the municipal and regional level to create a system of services and a model or early intervention, where each specialist phase would know its responsibilities so that there would be no gaps left in the system. Th is project was a part-project in a joint prevention project against drugs in the Interreg regions in Finland. Th e participating projects had their own, complementary targets, and they benefi ted from each others’ experiences, results and cooperation. Th e purpose of this project was to support the creation of cooperation networks and operational models for authorities and others in the fi eld in Kainuu, North Karelia and Upper Savo, to reduce and prevent the damages caused by drugs. Th e aim was to create both a vertical and horizontal entity of operators from administrative and fi eld authorities and personnel, which would enable tackling problems as early as possible, avoiding overlapping and sharpening cooperation with a multi-occupational approach. In the Republic of Karelia, the authorities responsible for alcohol and drug issues participated in cooperation in the regions of Kalevala, Kostomuksha and Segezha. Achievements: The operational models in use were first examined in the beginning of the project in Kainuu, Upper Savo and elsewhere in Finland, after which it was decided which themes of these models should be developed in the project. The project developed various operational models for preventative drug work and education, one example being the memorable drug track that uses drama as a tool. The drug track was already generated for use during the project in Kajaani and Kostomuksha. Working through the operational models helped the networking of the involved operators and the multi-occupational and multi-sectoral cooperation. The models will be a practical help for the operators in their work; the final beneficiaries of the actions are the customers of the services. The operational models were adopted in the work of the parties involved in their design but will require adjustments to be adopted into practical use after the project. The professional development of the operators and cooperation networks was well supported by training, work meetings and seminars, specialist exchanges and visits, and camping activities (including a camp in Kalevala preparing support persons for young people). The creation and operations of cooperation networks were supported by bringing together specialists from various organisations in, for example, seminars and model construction work and by facilitating meetings between Finnish and Russian specialists. The project produced teaching packages and client material and participated in informative work about drugs. The project also included several dissertations, which introduced a lot of new information. The dissertations have been forwarded to the relevant organisations and can be found in the databases of the participating educational institutes. Additional information about the project consortium can be found at:
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  • 83.6%   351 646,68
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants