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Fridegårdsgymnasiets utveckling
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our upper secondary school, Fridegårdsgymnasiet, gives top priority to internationalisation and focuses on the following objectives which are included in our project application: - increase all the maths students’ achievements of objectives and raise the number of students attending the higher courses of maths - increase the knowledge and usage of IT and ICT - increase the international parts of the education to make both students and staff look at themselves in a European and global context since the internationalisation is a goal in itself as well as a means of achieving the two first above-mentioned objectives. This application includes two continuation courses for a total of six people and job shadowing for two people. The staff involved will be teachers and a principal. As always, when having development work and a process of change, it is imperative to have the support of teachers as well as principals in order to create clarity, mandate and a long term vision. The teachers in question represent the whole school regarding competence and working parties. They are also driving forces in school development issues and see the potential of the above objectives. Two teachers of maths will be job shadowing in Slovenia, where a great number of students choose the more advanced courses and generally obtain better results than our Swedish students do. We consider this worth studying since we aim at having all students achieving the basic level but also having more students to study the higher courses. Our shadowing teachers will mainly study the Slovenian teaching methods enabling them to develop their own pedagogy. One of the two courses covers IT and ICT. The students of Fridegårdsgymnasiet now use computers to a very large extent, especially since the municipality introduced 1-1. This means that the staff must master many digital computer based tools to maximize the result of such a relatively costly project. However, the staff is, generally, insecure about their computer knowledge and consequently avoid using the computer as a pedagogical tool. The staff should increase their knowledge of IT and ICT in order to be able to pass it on this to the students, who are expected to be in command of this knowledge when starting working. The participants of the course will have the opportunity to learn a great number of digital tools. The second of the two courses deals with internationalisation and Erasmus+ and how to establish cooperation and projects of different kinds within that program. Two teachers and one principal will take part in this course, which will enable us to better understand and further engage in international work. Many more among the staff will be introduced to this knowledge and affected by the results. Our goal is to develop cooperation and carry on mutual projects via for example E-twinning and also finding partners and suitable content for a future KA2-application. We expect to increase the variation of the teaching methods, raise the pedagogical awareness and discussion and thus increase the competence of the staff. In addition to this we expect more students to pass. A more varied pedagogy will make the students find the education more relevant, meaningful and fun! A modern and progressive school is considered attractive by both parents and students and in the longer term the schooling will be of great value. The goal of this application, apart from increased knowledge and competence for everyone, is to generate new projects and more contacts with schools in other parts of Europe. We hope to inspire, develop and exchange teaching methods with schools aiming at similar objectives as ours. Firstly, we expect the whole school, the staff as well as the students, to become fully aware of the value of international work and clearly see that it helps us to achieve the objectives we are striving for. Secondly, we expect to improve the teaching of mathematics at our school but in the long run also at the secondary schools (for students between 13 and 15), in our municipality. Thirdly, we expect everyone to realize that the internationalisation is a means to reach our goals and, giving it top priority, enables us to work with our primary task, to help students target their goals at a high level.

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