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Freundschaften in Europa stärken
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Strengthening relationships throughout europe“ is carried out by 5 trainees of the catering trade. The students are becoming chefs, hotel clerks and restaurant management assistants and they are very motivated. Currently trainees are in the second year of their apprenticeship but at the beginning of the stay abroad it will be their third year of training. There are five students who work and stay for about five weeks in French hotels of the Charente: Angouleme, Bassac, Aubeterre-sur-Dronne and Roullet. The stay in France is from 14.09.-18.10.15. The trainees will be able to stay at the hotels where they are working. Before departure the students will provide their CVs for the “Europass” in different languages and send it online. The project manager Mr Meyer takes care that the participants will receive the “Europass Mobility” and a certificate of employment from the French hotels. He is responsible for all the preparation, implementation, follow-up work and evaluation. Mr Meyer works closely with his “EU-project team Erasmus+” in school and with the European colleagues. The French fellow teachers will arrange the introduction days and take care of the trainees during the five weeks. In the first days the students will get to know the hotels where they will work and live and of course, the different types of gastronomic business. But it is as well important to get to know the culture and mentality. A detailed programme has been already worked out by the international colleagues. The trainees are appointed mainly in the kitchen, in the restaurant service and the housekeeping to extend their abilities, skills and professional competences. During their stay abroad they should upgrade their language abilities, independent planning as well as French and Italian oenology (recommendation, presentation and wine service), the eating habits, preparation and recommendation of typical French appetizers, intermediate courses, main courses and desserts as well as local delicacies. The name of the project is “Strengthening relationships throughout europe” and it is a symbol for strenghen friedships for a close and good cooperation with the European neighbours. We would like to enjoy and strengthen Europe in a culinary way. There is no better way to show trainees, the guests’ satisfaction is the most important aim in each culture and you can just reach it, if you work together in a team and offer the guest a perfect service and high quality products. It is the dream of many trainees, working abroad after their apprenticeship for a longer time but many are doubtful because they do not know what expects them. This project is a chance and a support to make first experiences in a foreign country with a foreign language – to make them personally more mature. Additionally the scholarship holders will be contact partners for the next trainee-generation of the Walter-Gropius-School which wants to work in the EU. A placement abroad is a perfect possibility to support the self-esteem and the determination to be an employee for all the countries of Europe. The projects in the past and this projekt will be spread out through an effective teamwork with the daily newspaper, homepage of Walter-Gropius-School (, blogs of other Leonardo da Vinci projects (, facebook, intern and extern activities (e.g. with the “Jägerschaft Hildesheim”, 50 years of city partnership), the “NA/Europass” and the entry in the data bank
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