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Fremdsprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenzentwicklung für mehr Professionalität im internationalen Management
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiaries complete a work placement abroad as an integral component of the further education programme for becoming a certified business administrator. They have previously acquired a university entrance qualification and completed a two-year training programme as a business assistant, with a focus on foreign languages and correspondence. They do a work placement abroad in a company of their choice for 22 weeks, either from January to July or from July to December. By signing their contracts, participants commit to fulfilling previously agreed tasks in the company. They should successfully manage professional tasks and should thereby further their professional education and experience the value of European integration in a practical way. Besides the promotion of intercultural skills, such as languages and subject-specific knowledge, the development of methodological and action competences will be definitively supported. This variety of skills should enable them to work successfully in marketing or management for international companies, regardless of sector. We educate young employees who are able to apply for jobs on the European market. Furthermore, participation in this project contributes to a large extent to the personal development of the beneficiaries, whose independence will be encouraged and who will learn to act on their own responsibility. In addition, life and work in the host country in the chosen time period supports their tolerance of foreign cultures and develops intercultural competence. Approximately 15 participants should benefit from the project. They will all be motivated to work abroad and their three-year training course is entirely oriented towards acquiring this ability. They will be prepared for this placement through intensive training in two European languages and a superior commercial education. The work placement abroad, over several months in the last of the three years of training, serves to practically test skills acquired to this point and enhance them. We therefore encourage beneficiaries to be independent, while following their progress, as closely as necessary, together with project partners. Through a carefully-planned series of events, participants obtain all necessary information about the work placement abroad, applications to companies and living and life in the host country. They are then asked to find a placement and accommodation on their own, and to organise the trip themselves. We are always in a position to support them, but consciously restrict this support to necessary assistance when difficulties arise. During the placement, a personal coach and the project partner stay in permanent contact with the beneficiary in order to support them with help and advice if problems arise. As a result, we expect participants to recognise the extent to which they are capable of working abroad or with foreign business partners and, therefore, of being part of a sustainable international community. On completion of the placement abroad, they should pass their experiences on to subsequent year groups and so foster a positive climate with respect to the transnational job market. We want to support European coalescence and show, practically, that this opens up new opportunities to individuals and brings personal benefits by overcoming national boundaries.

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