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Fostering Knowledge of EU Constitutional Framework: Rights and Institutions
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed “Fostering Knowledge of EU Constitutional Framework: Rights and Institutions “Jean Monnet module is focused on the diffusion, promotion and study of the knowledge and study of the European Union and its constitutional framework among whole Extremadura Region and Extremadura University.EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and EU Institutions are the basic pillars of European Union, that is the reason they are the key points of our Jean Monnet Module. Why do we consider Fostering EU Rights and EU Institutions are so important? Because both need to be better known by the Extremadurian and Spanish citizens in order to strengthen the European democracy and the citizenship participation on European integration process. On account of the Economical Crisis EU citizens want to know more about EU functioning for improve their democratic control and participation on it. In Spain and also in Extremadura the cross-fertilization of knowledge and study of the constitutional basis of European Union must be the fundamental supports of a real EU-Citizenship and the democratic debate about its future. The Multidisciplinary Staff Team will implement four module activities each year during the three years module period: “European Constitutional Law Subject”, “European Constitutional Law Autumn Course”, “Europa Dabates” and “European Union Law Course for Civil Servants of Extremadura Provincial Deputation and Public Administrators of Cáceres Region-Councils “. Furthermore, the Module Staff Team is going to prepare several publications about European Constitutional Law, EU Rights and EU Institutions: one part of them specially orientated to beginner students of European Constitutional Law (Learning and Teaching materials, Newsletter, Website, Panels), and the other one dedicated to those constitutional experts who wants to improve their knowledge about European Constitutional Law and its future (Specialized Monographs Books).

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