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Fortbildungskurs: Innovative Methoden im ESL und CLIL-Unterricht
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The educational objective pursued by the European Council and defined in the Common European Framework of Reference is to “promote methods of modern language teaching which will strengthen independence of thought, judgement and action, combined with social skills and responsibility” (CEFR, p. 4). According to this objective, the candidates of our school would like to participate in overseas teacher programmes in Ireland, England and Malta that focus on Contents Learning Integrated Language Teaching on the one hand and on new methods of teaching English as a foreign language and using new technologies in the classroom on the other. Hence, the candidates aim at acquiring new approaches to CLIL teaching and updating their knowledge in English teaching methodology. In addition, the candidates would like to share experiences as teachers and exchange their ideas on teaching and, finally, hone their English language skills. The “Bundeshandelsakademie Imst” as an educational institution is defined as a business school offering education for students at upper secondary level aiming at A-levels. Our school focuses on teaching Information Technology, Business, Tourism and foreign languages like English, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian. Teaching non-linguistic subjects like History, Geography and Science in English as a foreign language has been set as an additional focus by our school policy. In this respect, the candidates’ experience and acquired knowledge would be a great enrichment and help implementing the CLIL focus at our school. The three candidates have already made experience in CLIL teaching and teaching English as a foreign language and are very much interested in acquiring new approaches to CLIL and modern language teaching. In the long term, our school as an educational institution would profit from the realisation of this project. The candidates’ acquired knowledge and experience would be handed on to colleagues within so-called SCHILF courses (school internal further educational courses for teachers) through talks, presentations and workshops by and with the candidates. In addition, our school is aiming at being part of the CERTILINGUA project. We have already tried to contact many European schools in order to found co-operations and exchange programmes for our students. The candidates’ participation in the ERASMUS project would enable great opportunities to personally get into touch and establish contacts with partner schools.

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