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Formazione digitale per gli #Animatori: ruolo nazionale, prospettiva europea
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The consortium is structured around a theme / need of strong impact and relevance for the current Italian regulatory and educational scenery: the adoption and implementation of Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (Decreto n.851 of 27/10/2015) through the 35 actions foreseen in it. The action # 28 has been immediately revealed of crucial importance: it deals with the designation of a "Digital Trainer " for each school, which will have a strategic role in the spread of digital innovation.The 38 partner institutions of the consortium, therefore, are particularly aware about the need to allow the digital trainer to have formative experiences abroad, relating to the application of digital technology in everyday teaching.The development plan of the European consortium has a strong intrinsic unity, increased by the fact that all schools participating in the consortium refer to Marconi Service TSI, a national excellence acting as planning and operational branch at the USR. Since 1995 it has been coordinating, following, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating all the activities and experiences related to the implementation of digital skills in the region and it has a major role in the current project.All phases of the project also will be unified within an eTwinning dedicated project that, in addition to further strengthen the digital skills of those AD who still do not know the ETW platform, will allow an even greater regional and international cooperation, a careful and constant monitoring of all activities as well as their wider dissemination.The objectives of this project are all aimed at increasing methodological and digital skills to the AD who act as driving force for the whole school community and for the network of regional training.The training will focus all around the attendance of high-level digital technology training as well as job shadowing activities by partner schools.Therefore, starting from Summer 2016, AD will be able to take chosen courses (ie, the IPC courses in Exeter, at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK or at ETI in Malta; or our best choice, courses at the Future Classroom Lab Brussels) or get in touch with the partner schools to organise job shadowing experiences.The foreign partners of the project have been chosen due to a dense network of relationships which the leader of the consortium in the first place (in the figure of Servizio Marconi) and the project participants can boast as a result of long-term activities in this area.The regional ETW representative and other eTwinner colleagues have also been able to count on the variety of contacts and experiences already implemented within the platform and ask absolutely reliable and, above all, "tested" on the use of digital in everyday teaching foreign partners, to actively join this project.The selection of participants AD has been done according to the criteria already mentioned: territorial representation for a guarantee of wider diffusion, belonging to the regional network of schools and training center and to the most active schools on the subject; possession of methodological and technological expertise that makes the AD already a potential trainer for other digital trainers.The impact of the training activities conducted abroad by the participants will have a very positive impact of all those involved and in different contexts, from the personal, to the college, from the local to the wider professional community, at regional and national levels.The dissemination of these experiences will therefore be conducted in "circles", gradually larger, in order to reach not only the "experts" but the widest possible audience of stakeholders involved and interested in the issues of the application of digital technology in educational settings, thanks to the dissemination that Servizio Marconi, USR and the Ministry of Education will undertake to give prominence to the experience of school-administration synergy that at present is unique within the national scene.
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7 Partners Participants