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Formation linguistique des enseignants de DNL et de STI2D du lycée Carriat
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Carriat opens up to Europ . The upper secondary school "Carriat" is a general and technological school. Since 2009, european options have been created first of all in Management followed by Mathematics and very soon, it should be opened in History and Geography. Moreover, since 2011, technological and scientific courses, whatever the options, have given the opportunity to technology teachers to teach in english with the help of an english teacher. That's the reason why three teachers (Mathematics, History and Geography and technology) applied for a training abroad. The goals of this project are the following : 1. To highlight the european dimension of the school. 2. Strengthen the knowledge in different languages and especially english. 3. Discover new cultures : the host country but also the cultures of the foreign fellow teachers. 4. Share experiences and ideas, use new tools exploring the ICT, new ideas to teach differently. Experiment these new ideas with the european colleagues, thanks to micro-teaching. 5. Create a partnership with teachers and submit future projects via etwinning. By the end of the training, the teacher will be familiar with new tools to teach differently. Pupils will be more receptive and their curiosity will be stimulated, they will speak more spontaneously and will be more focused in class. As they will be more interested in the language, they will be more likely to go abroad to build their future and maybe work there. We will also be able to welcome more and more foreign students. In the long run, we can imagine that teachers could go abroad and teach for a certain time. Every generation would then contribute to a european entity.
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