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Formare profesionala de calitate prin aplicarea noilor concepte terapeutice si de reabilitare in domeniul Neurologiei.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Scoala Postliceala Teologico-Sanitara "Sfantul Iosif" Craiova, as sending organisation, proposes in the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme the mobility project entitled: "Quality Professional Training through Applying New Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Concepts in the Field of Neurology". Our external partner is Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaftm.b.H. – LKH Graz Süd – West- Abteilung für Neurologie, Graz, Austria.This proposal is based on the Institutional Development Plan of the Scoala PostlicealaTeologico-Sanitara "Sfantul Iosif" Craiova, which is founded on the European Development Plan.The target group consists of eight students of the school "Sfantul Iosif", qualification „General Nurse”.The aims of the project are: increasing the mobility opportunity in the field of education; cooperation between education, professional training and the labour market; supporting the target group in improving professional competences as well as developing personal, linguistic and intercultural key skills.The mobility will be carried out from 14th March to 10th April 2017, 20 working days, 6 hours a day.The general objectives of the project provides the improvement and modernisation of the educational system and training of future nurses in order to be able to integrate and face with the demands of the internal and European labour market.The specific objectives pursued by the educational and professional training project are:- to support learners in the acquisition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) in order to improve their personal development and their active involvement in society- to consolidate the transition between professional training and getting a job in the European labour market- to consolidate the linguistic competences of participants and cultural diversity- to support the modernisation of education and training systems- to increase the attractivity and the international dimension of project partners.The relevance of the project results from the importance that the society grants to the quality of education and to the presence in the labour market of highly qualified nurses in Neurology. In this field the pacients need special care treatments.The activities of the sending organisation are: submission of application, information, selection and preparation of participants; setting up agreements with the external partner and participants; nomination of a monitor; organization of international travel; checking all kinds of participants insurances; management of grant; final report; issuing and signing the Europass Mobility Documents; validation of learning outcomes; trace the impact through dissemination and exploitation; ensurance of project sustainability.The activities of the host organisations are: organisation of practical place, signing contracts with the partner and participants; nomination of a tutor; organisation of mobility; evaluation of participants; validation Europass Mobility Documents;The activities of participants are as follows:- using of modern apparata and materials according to specific signs and symptoms of neurological disorders- developing the plan of care (nursing); applying of self and delegated interventions and evaluating the results of applied care methods- getting and applying the new care concepts: Bobath, Perfetti, Affolter and Tomatis- performing transfer techniques, mobilisation, therapeutic positioning, basal stimulation, rehabilitation techniques- administration of food and medicine to a pacient; making body hygiene of immobile patients; checking and recording of vital functions.After the hours of practice the participants will take part in cultural and social events.It is expected that the mobility activities of participants will improve the learning performance, career prospects, sense of initiative, language competences as well as an active participation in the society and enhanced intercultural awareness.All outcomes will be long-term benefits and will be widely disseminated.The activities carried out during this project are aimed to generate a bigger impact on the participants, participating organisations and to other target groups.The evaluation activities will be carried out based on a strategy and evaluation reports by persons appointed and will consist of reviewing the achievement of proposed objectives and satisfying the involved parts, the quality of achieved activities and the obtained benefits.Validation of competences developed by participants will be made by issuing the Europass Mobility Document. Dissemination will be made continuously from the first project idea and will be extended beyond its lifespan and ensure project sustainability.

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