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Formar para INFormar
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The challenges of change and the appreciation of the local dimension of educational policy, gain new importance with the increasing school autonomy and decentralization. To improve democracy and participation, promote equal opportunities, build partnership networks, share responsibilities and ensure the quality of public service education are the imperatives of local education policies.Based on the evolution of the municipalization process, in which the state provides, since 2015, new rules for local authorities in the field of education, with regard to school education, with the increasing of its powers in the management school and educational practices, it is essential the training of human resources, the area of education, stressing the importance of human enhancement, enhancing participation, autonomy and cooperation, so as to create conditions for a better return on municipalization process.Formar par INFormar aims to contribute to the creation of a county educator, innovator, entrepreneur, creative and "citizen" through the qualification and training of technical and elevation of its basic management skills and training levels; improved method acting and innovative oriented target groups; learning more effective activities for the benefit of local educational communities, all based on the knowledge and experience of international education policies, so that the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira can complete their skills in the light of globalization and internationalization context .Our proposal is the realization of five training activities, encompassing a total of 10 participants and two companions from different areas of educational intervention, so that at the end of these activities the participants have new skills in key areas: leadership, educational management and internationalization strategies, curricular and pedagogical management, creativity and teaching of new technologies of information and communication.The expected impact is related to the development and training of human resources in the education area, allowing the learning of new skills in education, and locally the desired impact is to promote innovative solutions experienced in European experiences, which then can be replicated to the regional level.The long term results are expected to acquire new skills by municipal technicians, providing the adoption of new local educational policies that meet the cases of European success.

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