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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called "TRAINING FOR LEARNING, TRAINING FOR UNDERTAKING" has been designed to give responses to the high percentage of unemployed young people. This project aimed to train and stimulate participants for creating their own professional lives as well as the main aims of Erasmus + programme (promoting active European young people in a multicultural environment, strengthening solidarity, setting networks of European cooperation among young, etc.). The Villafranca de los Barros City Council, coordinator institution, has a wide experience in development of European projects over the last years, as both coordinator and partner. Several of them have been carried out with Villafranca de Sicula (Italy), including this project where they are the unique partner, because we have a similar cultural legacy and customs. Besides, we also live in agricultural regions so it would be interesting the sharing of knowledge about methods and techniques used in each place as well as setting new professional networks. Participants were nine people (14-30 years old) and one leader (no age limit) per country, so twenty people in total. At least five out of the nine people were found in a disadvantageous professional situation because of their economic, social or cultural situation. There were two kinds of activities: - Theoretical-Practical Workshops. Workshops were about self-employment, creation of companies, ancient trades, simulation of cooperatives, role-playing games, etc. These workshops were offered in municipal buildings in an educational and interactive way. - Social-cultural Activities. These activities included visits to a several surrounding companies and audio visual exhibitions of each country. There also were several trips to interesting places of Extremadura as well as living-together moments. At the end of each day, it was done an assessment and a brainstorming session about the activities. This project stimulated young people in order to undertake new labour actions and relationships. We also encourage them to design their own future work and learn about the new professional forecasts in both national as international field. Finally, as far as long-term benefits is concerned, we expect to show to European citizenship that these kind of projects are needed for making new intercultural relationships in order to promote cooperation, learning, friendship and training among young people. In conclusion, this project set new bonds between European young people with feelings of respect, tolerance and supporting for disadvantaged people.

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