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Formar, Inovar e Cooperar numa Dimensão Europeia
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Agrupamento de Escolas Piscinas - Olivais is a group of schools participating in programme TEIP (Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritário - Educational Territory for Priority Intervention), existing a significant number of students with unsuccess and risking early school dropping. Our school's main concern it to develop all students' educational levels, promote success and fight early school dropping. There is also a special unit for severe disabled students, one of this school's resources that allows us to respond properly to each student's specificity, giving them diversified means and resources. This project's main objective is to promote learning through life for all staff. It means not only enhancing their level of professional qualification but also to improve their competences and skills, having impact on the quality of our school's educational and mangerial delivery. Thus, we will be able to focus our attention on education / learning in an european context and to promote innovative educational practices and approaches to learning, develop cooperation / partnerships with european schools, enhance multilinguism, multicultural education, students' educational success and fight early school dropping. The participants in this project are supposed to be motivated and motivating, able to break traditional paradigms, proactive, multitasking, with the spirit of learning through life, desiring to improve their skills at a professional level and support the development of their colleagues in order to create new formative experiences in a colaborative way with an international impact, aiming better students' results and school education delivery.During 2 years, are expected 8 flows: 7 flows in formation events comprising 20 participants and 1 flow for 7 participants regarding Job Shadowing.The suggested activities will enable participants to the:- Acquisition of educational and managerial skills (being innovative regarding teaching strategies and assessment, production of educational material, teaching methodologies);- Acquisition of digital competences (usingICT tools, educational resources, using digital scenarios in the teaching learning process)- Exchange experiences and know other cultural and educational realities, enhancing our school's international capacity and dimension;-Acquisition of new knowledge about good practice, observe methods, techniques and tasks connected with their role, as well the creation of an international professional nettwork, aimed at school's delivery improvement. It will be created a team / work group responsible for the project's execution. This group will assure the existence of preparatory meetings with the participants, and the dissemination of the skills and the experiences acquired during mobilities. This group will monitor this project during its execution. It's expected a positive impact on the organization, on participants, on students and other close institutions, as well. In general terms, we expect to create a colaborative culture in the organization, value and promote a reflexion about educational practice, the improvement of educational delivery's quality in all its dimensions, the improvement of professional skills of our staff, awareness and integration of our school in an european dimension, better foreign language skills facilitating the integration in the european net, integration in an european dimension of Education.In the long run, we expect to build bridges with other european institutions, regarding cooperation with education agents of other countries, and together organize multidisciplinary activities that promote ideas and enhance futur partnerships through the Erasmus Plus programme, including students. We expect that the integration of our school in colaborative networks will enable our school's staff to participate in colaborative nets in an european dimension, allow our staff and students the acquisition of language competences, knowledge of new working methods, personal and intelectual grow and a major capacity of adaptation and autonomy.
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