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Formación y perfeccionamiento de las competencias profesionales del profesorado de Adultos para lograr la reducción del abandono y contribuir a la mejora de las destrezas de los estudiantes inmersos en la Educación de Adultos
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As explained before throughout this form, CEPA López del Oro is an Adult Educational Centre in charge of training adults from Hellín and other eighteen villages and towns nearby, highlighting that up to five affiliated centres depend on it. In regard to our staff, our centre has up to 22 teachers and, in a certain way, all the staff will be implied in this project. The methodology used by the elaboration of the project has been active and with lot of participation by the members through meetings, team work, use of new technologies and even attendance to Erasmus-related meetings. Moreover, all the staff will be implied in the future, by sharing all the acquired knowledge in each mobility, by means of a training course at the centre. At this point, we would like to emphasize among the staff participating in this project are the members of the Management Team and the Heads of Department. The aim of all of the staff is improving their level of English, new technologies and centre organization/management techniques, as well as specific methods which can contribute to reduce dropout rate. Moreover, we have to highlight that mobilities will be done by members selected by means of democratic procedures.Recent OCDE Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report (Spain) affirms that having better skills is crucial for adults in order to find a job and increase their productivity at work. Besides, it has fixed as challenge number three the need of ‘Improving the skills of low-skilled adults’, since Spain has many of them – who will be in the workforce in the future. In this report, it is noteworthy the idea that adult formal education plays a central role in supporting skills development for these adults, especially to improve both literacy and numeracy proficiencies. Due to this, our centre has decided to strengthen its role and to take part in Erasmus+ projects as an essential way to improve the way of teaching adults, considering that mobilities will allow us to reduce preoccupying high dropout rate.The project has several purposes, in order to overcome the needs found. Over the short run, the pursued objectives are reducing dropout rate, the internationalization of the centre – by cooperating with foreign centers synergistically through strategic associations-, acquiring new methods of teaching and knowledge about IT Tools to improve our daily labour - either for Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Non-Formal Education- as well as learning new methods for organization and management, educational guidance and broadcasting of educational programs available. On the long term, we will be able to impulse new European projects involving student mobilities (KA2), who can take advantage of the knowledge learned in this project by their teachers, and to become a bilingual centre framed in the plan impulsed by our Regional Education, Sports and Culture Counselling.In order to achieve the objectives mentioned, there will be two job shadowing programs: firstly, in Italy, in cooperation with AMFI, and secondly in Athenée Royal de la Rive Gauche, Brussels, in cooperation with Belerasm. In addition, we will carry out some mobilities for training courses, related to some of the needs found, in Finland, Turkey and Malta.The developing of this European Project will have a significant impact on several levels, strengthening educational activities and counseling students – who will have a high-quality education with a more competitive staff -, as well as enhancing organization and management. Furthermore, the impact will have a regional dimension too, due to the fact that it will contribute to the long-term objective of becoming part of the regional bilingual centre network, as well as sharing refreshing information with other Adult Educational Centers all over our region. Finally, it is crucial for our centre to create cooperative ties with foreign partners, contributing this to our internationalization and to set the foundations for future projects.Regarding the dissemination of the project and being aware of its crucial importance, the purpose is to broadcast information on mainstream media, such as through press conferences or interviews on television, radio and local press, but also by using IT Tools - website, social networks, specific blog, eTwinning, VALOR, etc. Furthermore, we will even perform extracurricular activities with students, and everything possible to achieve the majority of the population being knowledgeable about the project.To sum up briefly, we would like to emphasize that the entire educational community is interested in this project, considered as an unique opportunity to show the society the importance of Adult Education framed in the current socio-economic and employment context. It would be a fabulous challenge to become a prestigious centre which impulses new methods to increase the quality of Adult Education and reduce dropout rate, according to mentioned OCDE challenge.

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