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Start date: Jun 30, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the strategic points of the Zola School is the Internationalization; to improve this aspect, there would be necessary to reinforce the bilingual system of education that we have well-established. The presented project, " FORMATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE BILINGUAL SYSTEM ", takes as aims the improvement of the bilingual system that we develop nowadays in the school so much to level of methodology as of a possible introduction in the stage of Secondary. Across the different actions of formation requested (CLIL and " job shadowing " of good practices in a bilingual consolidated system), there want to be obtained experiences and competitions of the participants who help or support trainning of the personnel of the center to obtain these aims integrated into the future of the school. The actions are destined to personnel of the center that they could develop and "guide" to the professorship in the attainment of these aims during a period of 2 years. There has been selected a teacher of languages who gives classes in the stages of Primary and Secondary in most of the courses and to the boss of the department of Sciences who supervises and coordinates the subjects of Sciences in all the stages (in English or German).The selection of the partners has been based, on the one hand in the experience and recognition that they offer in the field of the bilingual education and in the integration of the learning language and contents (" International Study Programmes "), and on the other hand, in the consolidation of relation-ship with one of the partners (" Deutsch Französiche Gymnasium - Lycée Franco-Allemand "), which we have worked and collaborated years ago in different projects that improve and promote the intercultural relations of our pupils.The activities proposed for the improvement of our bilingual system are an experience of " job shadowing " in a French German center successfully in his bilingual system and bicultural. The formation consists of going to different classes of several subjects where contents integrated with languages are taught. Finishing this activity ,a document of "good practices in bilingualism " will be elaborate ; our partner will evaluate it, and then, it will be announced to the personnel of the center and it will be the contents of a workshop of training to teachers of the schools and of other centers nearby our locality.Our college integrates the learning language with the contents of the subjects of sciences, therefore we look for an improvement of this methodology with a formation in integrated learning of languages and contents related to the subjects of Sciences (CLIL) in a center with great experience in this methodology.The activities of formation will serve as reference to the personnel of the center to improve the quality of the language teaching methodology and valuing an extension of the bilingual system for the stage of Secondary. The materials and resources elaborated after the activities, will be a model for the professorship of the center and of other centers of the locality, reaching, at least, most of teachers of primary and secondary of the center (approximately 50 teachers) and to an approximate number of 500 pupils.For the development of the school, it is an improvement of the quality and of the methodology in the education and learning of foreign languages.
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