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Formación y capacitación en metodologías de intervención socio-educativa a través del Arte a profesionales del ámbito educativo para mejorar la equidad, la diversidad, la inclusión y la motivación
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Coordinator: Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España (Spain). Participating entities: International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium), AssciaÇao Menuhin Portugal (Portugal), MUS-E Deutschland (Germany), MUS-E Magyarország Közhasznú Egyesület (Hungary), Caritas del Erzdiözese Wien (Austria) y The Jaffa Institute (Netherlands). Other collaborating entities: The Jaffa Institute (Israel), University of Evora, University of Extremadura, University Complutense of Madrid, University Autónoma of Madrid, University of Budapest, l'Université libre de Bruxelles and Catholic University of Lovain. Priorities: Project of innovation for equity, diversity and inclusion from a pedagogical-artistic approach and development of emotional intelligence. It allows the improvement of the skills of students and the training of educational professionals in new tools. Creation of a practical methodology to be effective against the growing complexity and diversity of European classrooms, reducing dropout and improving learning through Arts. Implementation of products and methodologies of good practices of permanent exchange between formal and non-formal learning. Application of an interdisciplinary approach. Objectives: 1. Creation of a network based on a methodology of socio-educational intervention through art as a tool of transformation that supports the development of individual skills in education and promote entrepreneurship based on a theoretical and practical methodology of competitions. 2. Exchange between formal and informal learning that promotes the work by competencies. 3. Development of emotional intelligence to encourage imagination, creation and entrepreneurship. 4. Preparation of materials that collect the experience and enable the training of future professionals of the national networks of each participating partner. 5. Promotion of the entrepreneurial capacity of the participating professionals, in order for them to create networks and models of good practices that promote active citizenship and social entrepreneurship. 6. Training of artists, and support the creation of jobs for professional artists in the field of education. 7 Supportive collaboration from an intercultural perspective. 8. Promotion of cooperation between regional authorities, ministries of education and municipal administrations. Implementation of integrated models of education between participating countries. Project Description: It is an international project aimed at more 350 professionals (teachers, management teams from schools, pedagogical coordinators, psychologists, educators and social workers, artists and technicians of public administration). The project proposes the training of these professionals to implement their work in the field of education in primary and secondary schools to improve social cohesion. The project has an intersectoral character since it implies responsibles for different educational environments: management teams, teachers and parent associations (at school level)), local public responsibles, autonomic, regional and national responsibles, associations and cultural enterprises (training artists), internships and volunteers. The project is linked with the acquisition of new methodologies that foster creativity and entrepreneurship, and is based on a process of learning and service. Each country will implement a training meeting attended by professional members of its national network. The training will be directed by a team of specialized trainers, ambassadors of good practices. This team (composed of 21 people) will be multidisciplinary (it will include artistic and pedagogical disciplines) and multi-sectoral. Each trainer will provide artistic, social and/or pedagogical specific and differentiated teaching. The training team will rotate through all participating countries. Training meetings consist of initial theoretical training (2-3 days). Once the theoretical training has been finished, participating professionals receive practical training (additional 2-3 days) in different institutions of the training hosting country, based on observation and participation in artistic workshops, sessions and training laboratories in schools situated in areas of priority attention. The workshops will be held with children, their families and their teachers. During these practical experiences participating professionals will learn how to implement the practical application of social and pedagogical tools acquired in the theoretical methodological training. There will also be meetings of coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the process, which will count with the presence of partners of the project, as well as experts in pedagogical-artistic methodologies in the field of the European Union. Intellectual products: European methodological guide of socio-educational intervention through arts, Evaluation report, a multimedia good practices guide, WIKI space, and a Mediated Learning Experience guide.

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