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FORCAVI emerged from the need to harmonising the response that different organisations are giving to the people at risk of exclusion, their expectations and the need to have their own life project. This project’s goal was to provide direct care professionals, regardless their working experience, with the necessary basic skills to make this need come true. The FORCAVI partner organisations already implemented several projects together, both bilaterally and multilaterally; as a matter of fact, this project was originated by a Grundtvig Learning Partnership (Chance Project) during which the partner organisations came to know the training course of AFANIAS called “El compromiso con las personas con discapacidad intelectual” (Commitment to the people with intellectual disabilities), and considered that it could respond to new needs that had been detected by them.The FORCAVI tangible result has been a module-made training/awareness course about “Quality of Life” in which the module concerning the “Rights” has been given by a trainer (trained by the project’s member to this end) from one of the groups at risk of exclusion the partner organisations work for. This course, now the course is endedn, has been made available free of charge to be used by organisations that might consider it relevant. Also, a shift in the professional mindset and the organisational structure was very much expected as the aim was to change a left to right way of thinking (organisation->programmes->people), which is actually the one our organisations typically have, to a right to left approach (organisation

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3 Partners Participants