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Formación Europea y desarrollo profesional del profesorado
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EUROPEAN TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS CONTEXT The HUELIN Secondary School in Malagais carrying out a CLIC programme. It has ICT provision, IT assistant initial voca courses with experience in Computer and participation in European programs. These features convey constant and demanding challenges to maintain quality levels to ensure continuous improvement in the linguistic , technological, educational and internationalization fields. ACTIVITIES , PARTICIPANTS AND METHODOLOGY Training of teachers in this project arise through two strategies : A1 . MOBILITY TRAINING Course ETI ( Exacutive Training Institute - Malta) on the enrichment of learning through technological tools which will last two weeks.Four participants are proposed from different areas: Spanish Language , Music, Economics , Computer Information Systems. A2 . JOB SHAWODING A2.1 Golborne High School ( UK) : 15-day visit of Spanish language teacher in groups of junior high . It seeks to implement , adapting to the characteristics of our students , the teaching of Spanish as a second language , although students are Spanish in groups of special Attention to Diversity , since their levels of reading efficiency are so low that it will impossible to use the usual books and materials. A2.2 Penair School and Velindre Community School ( UK) : two-week visit (one per center) of the Therapeutic Education teacher . A study of protocols , intervention analysis , curriculum design , methodology, and lesson plans for students with various disabilities as autistic pupils, pupils with profound and multiple learning, emotional and behavioral difficulties will be researched . A2.3 Helsinki Vocational College , ICT Institute ( Finland) : four weeks visit of initial vocational teacher that teaches modules of the same professional group in PCPI . The visit aims to study and get the keys to the didactic models in the Finnish vocational training among the student , school officials and companies much closer to what we know in our country, and is expected to get ideas for achieving the objective of covering this approach need to the student as an apprentice to the business sector. EXPECTED RESULTS AND IMPACT Some of the skills as learning outcomes expected to be acquired by the participants are: * Enrichment of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT) in teaching and learning by supporting education and ICT -based assessment * Adaptation of knowledge and methodology to the needs of the weakest students with adaptation difficulties in the first course. * Creating guiding activities to bring students to the professional reality expanding the dissemination of work done with new media and creating alliances with partner companies in the teaching of vocational training. * Improvement of the foreign language * Increase opportunities for professional development. LONG TERM BENEFITS Integration of these skills acquired in the classroom and in the center, and their dissemination at all levels . The following improvements are proposed: * The willingness to transmit the new techniques learned within the community to use them in a comprehensive and unified manner for students' improvement. * Our school will have a stronger network of contacts to facilitate the implementation of European projects , such as e- twinning and KA2 school partnerships that will enhance the European dimension, as our management team wants to strenghthen our international partnership. * The center will have more resources to deal with SEN students with, particularly disruptive , or immigrants with social, emotional and behavioral problems , which are often not adapted or integrated into mainstream classes. * Through the dissemination plan colleagues will know the benefits of an experience like this , and may take some of the new ideas and materials in both high school classes as in VET . In short , it is worth noting that these activities will promote an atmosphere that encourages the staff and motivate the center within a more modern and dynamic professional environment , willing to integrate good teaching tecniques, new teaching methods and practices in daily activities , to integrate teacher professional development and objectives in order to enhance the quality of our school .

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