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Formación en metodología AICLE/CLIL para profesorado de la sección Bilingüe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Needs: Our High School has made a strong commitment to learning languages. This means that our institution needs to improve teacher training in languages as well as updating CLIL methodology and work on basic skills.Our school has had a high standard Bilingual Section for some years now in coordination with other European schools, developing a common design and materials, which offers the possibility of future student mobility. We needed to know about the management and organization of the other participating Schools concerning this subject in order to improve and to create synergies. We also needed to enhance the professional performance of the teachers through training and exchange programs with other schools and to qualify them in the use of the CLIL methodology. We also aimed to create our own CLIL materials for the bilingual sections. We intended that in the future our students could easily change to the bilingual section of the other schools for a medium duration period. This woul enlarge their vision of Europe as a possible training camp troughout their private and working life. Gymnasium Lilienthal of Germany, Lycée Choiseul in France and IES Albarregas have been working together through eTwinning since September 2013 in order to to deepen this collaboration by means of setting up a stable and structured partnership.This year a new school in Italy,Scuola secondaria di primo grado Bprgese-XXVII in Palermo, has joined the project. Actions: - In July 2014 seven teachers of our schools took part in a training course on CLIL methodology in the UK. - Course 2014/15: a working group, set up for that purpose in the teacher training centre of Mérida, designed the protocol. We visited both the French and German bilingual sections. We carried out progress assesement and prepared a document with the best possible design for bilingual sections. We also created CLIL material that was shared with the other participating schools through etwinning and a common blog. - Course 2015/16: Implementation of improvements designed during the previous year for the organization of the bilingual section. Design of teaching material using CLIL methodology. Reception of teachers from participating schools in our classrooms. Visit to both French and German (or Italian) Centres to work in their classrooms with the material designed. Assessment of progress and achievements. Impact Areas: Teachers: Training in CLIL methodology and language skills. Classrooms: Use of the new teaching material and implementation of methodological changes according to the project development. Bilingual Section: Curriculum development coordinated with the other two sections, fully integrated in the European map. Adaptation of our bilingual section following the designed improvement plan. Educational community of IES Albarregas: To link our community to communities of other European centres. To establish professional and personal links, especially concerning parents’ associations in all three partners. Merida: to link families, businesses and the city itself to other European environments. This project will promote a long-term impact on our bilingual sections ,with coordinated programs, objectives and methodology in the three schools, in order to enable partial student mobility. Dissemination: Web, Blog of IES Albarregas, Social Network, Promotional Flyers, Transition program from Primary to Secondary School, participation in conferences at local, regional, national and European level, social media...

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