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Formación del profesorado para la conversión de nuestra institución en centro de especialización curricular en plurilingüismo y movilidad transnacional.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT TITLE. Teacher training for the conversion of our institution in central curricular specialization in multilingualism and transnational mobility. PROJECT CONTEXT. The IES Clara Campoamor is a public center of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, consisting of 558 students and 45 teachers in La Solana (16,700), province of Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). We started in 2007-2008, starting from very high rates of dropout. Since then we undertook a strategic policy based on international education, with two axes: the bilingual sections in English at ESO and participation in European mobility programs and exchange. This has yielded positive results as we have gone around the situation by increasing the motivation and expectations of our students towards learning and school performance. Since the 2013-2014 academic year we have incorporated the book and digital learning platforms under the regional project "Digital Backpack". The new fundamental law governing education in our country gives us the opportunity to become Specialization Curriculum Centre on Multilingualism, transnational mobility and counseling and training of teachers and the administration. Growing up in this goal is the major objective of this project. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS. There are 13 teachers in our school involved in this project for a total of 10 departments, ie almost a third of our faculty and more than 80% of the departments involved in it. Doctors have 2 of them, one Professor and 3 members of the management team (Director, Head of Studies and Secretary). All participants are teaching career officials with final destination in our center, several years of experience and an extensive and successful in their fields of knowledge (scientific publications, presentations, etc.) curriculum. That is why, for which we are able to say that everything learned in different training activities will immediately reflected in our center is likely to continue. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES. Training courses for improving English language proficiency: 1) Dublin (Ireland): Made by three teachers: Mathematics; Geography and History and Spanish Language and Literature. 2) Dublin (Ireland): Made by the 3 components of Erasmus teachers Plus team. 3) Cork (Ireland): Made by two teachers: Plastic and Visual Education; and Mathematics. 4) Cork (Ireland): Made by one PE teacher. Training courses to improve bilingual education in English: performed by the coordinating teacher and advisor of bilingual sections. 5) Valletta (Malta). Made by the program coordinator and advisor in bilingual and English department. Training courses for improving the proficiency in French. 6) Montpellier (France). Made by 3 teachers: Geography and History; Music; and Physics and Chemistry. METHODOLOGY CONDUCTED TO CARRY OUT THE PROJECT. 1) Analysis of the strategic objectives of the center and training needs of teachers. 2) Communication to the educational community project. Advice to teachers regarding training activities. 3) Assistance to call for information, training and dissemination of Erasmus Plus program. 4) Monitoring the realization of planned activities. Solution contingencies. 5) Dissemination to the educational community of the activities undertaken. 6) Evaluation of the project as quality indicators. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EXPECTED RESULTS AND IMPACT. a) Improvement of language proficiency in English or French. b) Acquisition of methodological teaching strategies to implement in the classroom. c) To improve the academic performance of our students in bilingual programs. d) Participation of teachers in mobility programs, especially those related to the Erasmus Plus, actions K2. POSSIBLE LONG TERM BENEFITS. 1. Duplicate the teachers at the school and accredited English language level B2 to impart in bilingual sections in English departments. 2. Teachers and departments center, accredited, have methodological training. 3. Teachers and accredited center with French language level B2, to start the bilingual section in French Departments. 4. Training in the coordination, organization and dissemination of European programs. 5. Teachers and departments participating in the preparatory activities and mobilities of the European mobility programs (Erasmus plus, K2 action). 6. Teachers and departments that use the platform and twining in activities of teaching foreign languages.

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