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Formación del profesorado de Educación Secundaria del IES la Creueta
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project develops a job-shadowing period of teachers of the IES la Creueta at a school in Finland. This activity is included inside the European Development Plan of the IES la Creueta (Onil, Alicante). With this project we want to achieve one of the main goals of our school that is to promote the European dimension of our students and teachers. In recent years, we have carried out several projects with different countries of Europe in cooperation with other schools and institutions like primary and secondary schools, vocational schools, public and private companies. These projects have involved both teachers and students. Teachers participated through partnerships with other schools, training courses and presenting lectures in seminars and conferences in other countries. In addition, our students have also participated in European projects of various types depending on the studies they did: secondary education, vocational education and higher education. The participated through Comenius and Leonardo projects, as well as business practices in other countries. For achieving this purpose we are in possession the Erasmus Charter from several years ago. Three teachers will participate in this project, all of them are secondary school teachers of our school. One will be a teacher of the management team, the other will be one working at the guidance department and the third one will be a general education teacher. We consider that it is interesting that different teachers with different point of view could participate working all together. In addition, each participant will emphasize in some aspects depending on the working area at the school. The one of the management team will see how it works and the school is organized. The rest will see the aspects related to the area the work in the school here in Spain. All participating teachers will have to have a minimum level of knowledge of the languages of communication, primarily English. The main activity that is developed in this project is a job-shadowing period in the school Pyörön Koulu in Kuopio (Finland). Several activities will be done before, during and after the visit. Prior to the visit, participants will do a small research on the overall functioning of education in Finland and the host school. Proposals for future collaborative projects will also be included. They will visit the center main facilities, attendance to classes, meetings with management and counseling personal and visit other institutions that collaborate with the Finnish school. After the visit, Spanish teachers will elaborate a memory of the work done there that will be used to disseminate to the other personal of our school. The project will be carried out through a methodology based on dialogue and cooperation between both, the Spanish and Finnish teachers. Also, they with create a final memory including all the relevant aspects the will observe in the Finnish school as well as all the agreements they do. The will use minutes of each meeting. The expected results are, first of all, the personal experiences of the staff who visit the Finnish center, sometimes difficult to quantify, but that will be reflected in improved teaching practice and management quality. Moreover, the more 'formal' results will be reflected in the final reports and in the minutes of meetings, as well as in the diffusion tasks back in Spain. In addition, a photographic gallery will be done. The main impact that will be expected is to obtain an improvement of the educational quality of our school and its openness to Europe. Specifically, one of the goals after the visit will be the dissemination of all experience among teachers, families and other staff associated with the school in Spain. For this purpose, meetings with teachers and families will be done where the experience will be presented and any doubt will be solved. In the long term, this project will bring benefits such as the creation of new cooperation projects with these and other partners, student participation and improvements in teaching and the use of ICT, among many others.
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