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Formação de Qualidade... Emprego a Caminho
Start date: Dec 30, 2014, End date: Dec 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Grouping of Schools of Póvoa de Lanhoso (GSPL) together with all the local, national and international partners, has the mission to promote a high standard quality education facing internationalization, which can promote multilingualism, a multicultural education, the school success of all students within the framework of a health promoting school, inclusion, respect, tolerance and critical thinking. Within this spirit we realized that the opening of the school to internationalization had to occur within the framework of an integrated strategy. Therefore, it was designed the Strategic Plan of European Development, which was then approved by the GSPL School Council and that sustains an educational viewpoint on the strategic vision "Europe 2020". In order to achieve the purposes of the European strategy, we proposed 4 goals through which we intend to reduce the number of early school-leavers; improve the education and training levels and raise the rate of employability consolidating its stake in vocational education and contributing to minimize situations of poverty and social exclusion; increase the percentage of citizens who are sensitive to the environmental issues and contribute to the enhancement of the European dimension of education. In our GSPL there are students with very different profiles, so, in order to reduce the number of early school-leavers, it was realized the need to move forward with differentiated training courses. So since 2005/06, there was an investment in the opening of vocational courses in the secondary grade, which supplement the formative offer in the areas of IT, Electricity, Multimedia, Audiovisuals, Reception, Sales, Marketing, Sports Management, Environment and Health. Now the opportunity has come to provide the students of the VET courses with a European training of quality that can help them to broaden their horizons and make them realize the importance of learning foreign languages as well as being excellent technicians so that they can venture into markets with the greatest potential. Well-prepared students can, from their own country, conquer markets that go beyond the borders of Portugal. This is the reason for the submission of this application, which consists on the promotion of training both for students and teachers in European Institutions of vocational education. And that will certainly help to achieve the main goal “Training of quality ... Job on the Way” This project will be released in the classes of the vocational courses similar to those of the host schools and the students will apply to take advantage of this training opportunity. The selection will be based on well-defined criteria related to the merit, which will be quantified on the basis of the grades of all the modules taught and completed in the technical training part (40%), socio-cultural training (except foreign languages) and scientific (20%), foreign language proficiency (20%), on proficiency in trainings within working context (10%) and attendance (10%). It is intended that the GSPL can develop to become a reference for vocational training in the areas of the providing courses. At a REGIONAL and LOCAL level we intend to capture students and not let them abandon early their schooling or enroll in other schools. Such ambitions will be made easier with the opening of the training education to internationalization. At a NATIONAL level we have the ambition to present and share our practice in Congresses, Meetings, Seminars, Web page, among others, so that it can be taken as a good practice and thus increase its transferability, leading to the improvement of the quality and innovation of the systems, institutions and practices of education and vocational training. On the European dimension we consider that the mobility of trainees can increase the attraction for vocational training. The establishment of European networks between schools and between schools and companies can lead the GSPL to offer a distinguishing proposal in training that can be shared at European meetings. The strengthening of contacts networking for vocational training can enhance the future demand for employment at a European level. The dissemination of results will be held in the educational community in a formal session open to the public and to potential employers. There will be the concern of producing content to put in MEO TV channel of GSPL with testimonies, results, and suggestions, among other aspects arising from this experience, as well as the dissemination of all the developed work on the radio and local newspapers and on the GSPL WebPage. Other ways to enhance disclosure are the participation in Educational Showrooms / Exhibitions, as well as national and international Congresses and Seminars. The assessment will be based on surveys, interviews, the number of participants and materials produced, dissemination in the media, training actions that took place in this training cycle, among others.

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