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Foreign languages - a key competence in future Europe and beyond
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The european mobilities will occur on three levels1. Early language learning with the method Hocus & Lotus developed by theuniversity of Rome. We intend to train one teacher to the level of magicteacher who has all the skills to teach through this method a foreignlanguage to young pupils. As this method is unique in Flanders we intend tobecome anchorschool as well to spread the method and its background.2. Increase capacity and dare to speak in a foreign language, i.c. spanish,to strenghten our schoolink with Juan Pestalozzischool in Ecuador. 4teachers who will visit our partnerschool in Ecuador will train the spanishlanguage in a context of education and native speakers. The increasedcapacity to communicate in spanish will safe the future of our schoollinkwith the south which we consider as an important item in ourschoolcurriculum.3. Provide continuity in schoolpolicy concerning wide thinking andcoachingsstrategies and the importance of european citizenship. Headmasterand assistant -most probably future headmaster - train and refresh theirability to coach colleagues in a creative and inspiring way due to thefilosophy of Eduard De Bono 'the quality of the future depends on thequality of thinking’. In this way they will take care and save theschoolpolicy of Scharrel.

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