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Foreign In-service Training @ KOGEKA 3 (FIT@K3)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

FIT@K3 wants to introduce Europe in the daily lives of our students, teachers, parents, administration and so on. Within the context of the European Union, The ultimate goal is to shape and develop real European citizens. A vision spread over multiple years is essential in order to reach this goal. We want to concentrate on BLENDED LEARNING and 21st CENTURY SKILLS. In this new 'knowledge society', schools are no longer exclusive environments for learners. Outside schools people learn continuously ( eg language courses online, instructional videos on Youtube ... ). We want to be a leading school of secondary education. We will try to make a difference by focusing on lifelike, contemporary and sustainable learning. As a result, we want to deliver active , socially engaged and self confident young people to society. They know their own talents and succeed in a flexible and assertive way to deal with changes in the society of today and tomorrow . As a result of the development of the 'knowledge society', it is essential that teachers and students get opportunities to develop the right skills. These skills and competences are needed in order to function, to work and in order to get a lifetime development within this new society. In this context, one teacher has participated in a peer visitation at Liemers College ( the Netherlands ) with focus on a BYOD policy (Bring Your Own Device) in a school group, with the intention to learn the preparing for the introduction of BYOD in our private schools on september 1, 2017 . Finally, FIT@K3 focusses on our student counseling. A top priority. Schools of today deal with many positive and rewarding situations with exemplary young people who live a harmonious growth without any problems. However, schools are also affected by many vulnerable and hurt young people, for whom their youthful development is difficult and even problematic sometimes. We want to support these youngsters and give them all the chances they deserve. These days, more than ever, schools are expected to provide special efforts to properly support their development. Each student should have access to development opportunities that he/she deserves, even if this requires an above average effort from the school, the parents and the students themselves. We want to start preparing ourselves for INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (ION). Italy is a country where expertise has already been built up. If they can share their expertise with us, we can prepare ourselves properly. In this context, one teacher has participated in a study visit Inclusive Education in several Italian schools , organized by the Dutch Foundation for Inclusive Education . Our European mobilities will ensure that our teachers will be further professionalised. Just as they are constantly trained in their own region, they must also have the courage to step beyond borders in order to acquire important competences. As a school, we want to make sure that our staff keeps some sort of portfolio (Europass), so they can observe their personal growth, reflect on it and create a long-term vision for the entire school. In the end, this students can only benefit from this professionalism.
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