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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At all three partner schools the common problem/challenge is that we find It hard to integrate and support students who at the same time are top athletes. By visiting each other, we believe that we are able to learn from our partners’ practice and experiences as concerns the themes dealt with in this application. By sharing experiences and practice around these themes we trust that the everyday situation of the students concerning attending classes, training and competition are optimized in a best possible way. The first aim of the project is to get an overall view of the actions of the partner schools to better this situation for the students. Actions and activities that are suitable in our school, for our students, will be implemented. Our goal is that this exchange of experience and ideas will lead to changes for our students. Relevant challenges are, among others, how to create a good learning environment/situation for students who often have to participate in competitions, events and training camps, how to make it possible to study and train/practise successfully, cooperation between school and various sports associations at different levels. Participants in the project represent school management, subject coordinators, coaches and teachers.

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1 Partners Participants