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For Enhancing Learning Innovation & Sense of Entrepreneurship
Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

The ratification of the Lisbon Strategy indicates European Union’s conversion to a more competitive economy in order to manage the challenges in a rapidly changing world. The management of this change requests specific competences on behalf of the Europeans who will give impetus and make policies work. The key role of education and training towards a more competitive Europe is reflected in the Council’s strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training, where key competences as creativity, innovation and the sense of entrepreneurship are recognized as key drivers for sustainable economic development. The educational policies and strategies being applied don’t give gravity to the encouragement and the enhancement of the above competences. The hesitation and the inability often on behalf of young people to think alternatively regarding their vocational orientation, adjust to change and explore the new challenges and opportunities arising, is possible to derive from educational gaps. However, some good practices take place to remind that the sense of entrepreneurship and learning to learn are not absent from the educational scene, reposed though mostly in the capacity of some educators than incorporated in official methodologies and moduls. The purpose of this project is to support and promote the implementing of the strategic objectives of the European framework for European cooperation and training and especially the forth objective which is the enhancement of creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in education and training.The outputs of the project will be:• a handbook presenting educational methodologies and good practices on how students’ creativity, sense of entrepreneurship, innovative way of thinking, environmental responsibility can be triggered in the framework of the formal educational system in Greece, but also informally, from early childhood to higher education, in Greek and English. • A Conference (covered by the media) during which the content of this handbook will be broadly communicated to all key stakeholders designating and implementing the educational policy in Greece.. The project aims to prepare the ground that those methodologies and the objectives referred above will be adopted and gradually gain ground in the formal and non formal education in Greece.
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