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For a Reinforcement of a European Expansion
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the follow -up of our previous project, Notre Dame vocational high school wishes to carry on its willingness to open to Europe by expanding to Italy the work placement opportunities for our students. It will still be a 3-week period , it will still involve our students (10 students) from the European section of the speciality Administration. We will still maintain and pursue last year project which consisted in including 8 students from the speciality "sales techniques and reception skills". But the idea of this project is to diversify geographically the work placement opportunities. For various reasons, cited upstream in the project, we have selected Italy , more precisely Lombardy, the region around the lake Garda, where tourism and shops are booming. For this first experience in Italy, we will suggest this destination to the students from the section " sales technique and reception skills", whereas the students from the section Administration, requiring a denser and more precise professional vocabulary will go to England as they already have a quite good command of English in the administration field . Nevertheless, the students heading for Italy will have the opportunity to attend courses of basic Italian, from September up to their departure for Italy. The latter will be accomodated in a youth hostel; Indeed, it will be easier to communicate with young people there in English,Italian or Spanish and even to improve these foreign languages. There will be a French teacher on the spot all through the period, in England, as well as in Italy. We will work as early as september on the topic of Italy, on a transversal level (in Arts, geography and history, French literature..) but also as soon as the oppportunity comes up to take part in various events and conferences around Italy. An intense preparation will be done in collaboration with Tempo Libero before the departure and as early as September regarding the evaluation grids and objectives. Indeed, we had already done this task in the previous years with Breakaway. Regarding the evaluation of the training period in Italy we have decided on a common evaluation in collaboration with a member of Tempo Libero. Indeed, as the French accompanying teacher doesn't speak Italian it is recommended that a member of Tempo Libero , speaking French, should assist the French teacher with the evaluation of the student. The interest of this willingness to expand to Italy is, in the first place, that this new destination brings a note of originality to the project and to our school. It is definitely more commonplace and less troublesome to send our students to England (as they speak this foreign language and proximity of the country ). The challenge being ambitious, the students as well as their family are valued. Eventually, this also values our school and its impact. The fact of varying the destinations triggers inevitably diverse impulsions from the educational team which appears remotivated. This opens ways to other possibilities of learning.
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