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Food Information and Safeguard of Habitat a Sustainable Consumption Approach in Local Environment (FISH SCALE)
Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The commercial fish market is heavily concentrated on certain fish species. As a consequence, some edible species have a low commercial value due to poor demand. According to the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, out of 719 edible fish species only 10% are currently commercialised. This is mainly due to modern food habits. Non-commercial species are hence classified as “by-catch” and usually discarded by industrial fisheries. Up to one fourth of the fish harvested - about 27 millions tonnes - is discarded dead into the sea every year. This practice results in a huge waste of marine resources. It also alters marine biodiversity and reduces numbers of adult reproductive fish. Objectives The FISH SCALE project aims to address the problem of over-exploitation of marine resources and fishing discards by promoting a more sustainable use of the sea and by improving the protection of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean. The project will seek to change the attitudes of consumers by increasing their awareness of the importance of by-catch species. The project aims to establish a virtuous cycle by stimulating greater demand for neglected fish species, thereby increasing their commercial value, leading in turn to a reduction in fish discards and hence, better preservation of marine biodiversity. The project will develop integrated communication and demonstration actions involving the whole supply chain of the fishing sector, together with the final consumers, so that they can become pro-active and discover mutual benefits in using currently neglected fish species. Expected results: The establishment of the “FISH-SCALE” network of commercial operators distributing neglected fish species, demonstrating their value to consumers, and highlighting the business opportunities they present to other economic operators (100 economic operators and over 10 000 consumers); A 10% increase in the commercialisation of by-catch fish species (at least 3 more species included in the large-scale distribution network); At least four “The month of sustainable fish” campaigns involving the large-scale distribution network of the COOP facilities in the Liguria Region. This will include the promotion of by-catch products to at least 15,000 consumers and the participation of at least 400 consumers in ad hoc events; The development of an interactive, educational portal: “Map Fish”.
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