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Food for All - Culture of the Heart
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Food for All - Culture of the Heart is a project involving youth workers from 6 partner organisations throughout Europe: Krishnabevaegelsen/ISKCON (Denmark), Zelsirdibas Misija Dzivibas Ediens (Latvia), Paratlan Ajandek Alapitvany (Hungary), Humanitarno društvo Hrana za življenje(Slovenia), Food4Peace Stockholm (Sweden), Food for All (UK) All the organisations are active in youth work, connected with areas of healthy lifestyles, education, youth unemployment and social work. The partners expressed their mutual interest in creating a network based on strong partnerships aimed to connect more and exchange the good practices in relevant areas of their work. The meetings will be based on different combinations of outdoor activities (organic gardening, field trips, yoga), educational trainings (seminars, workshops on transversal skills and innovative methods of youth work), learning opportunities of European instruments/certificates (Youthpass, Europass CV) and practical management education (fundraising for organisations on national and international level, grant writing, Erasmus+ opportunities presentations). During the partner meetings, photos and videos of activities will be taken and put into media forms which summarize the events and practical results attained. We will take photos and videos of educational activities, practical outdoor activities (ie planting the garden) and feedback from the youth from local communities who will attain the meetings. The conclusions of the meetings will be: - in Slovenia - preparatory event (transversal skills development, outreach for youth), - in Hungary - practical development event (European instruments, outdoor activities), - in Denmark - summarization of the gained experience (fundraising, entrepreneurship ideas for youth). The objectives of the project are: 1) Creating a platform for a European network of organisations active in the areas of youth work, healthy lifestyles, youth unemployment and social entrepreneurship; 2) The project is aiming to directly tackle the problem of youth unemployment in modern society suggesting the alternative ways of youth engagement by changing the urban-rural paradigm and empowering youth by nature itself; 3) Youth social entrepreneurship is an increasingly common approach to engaging youth in solving social problems. Our project promotes these efforts through a variety of incentives, engaging youth in producing environmentally-friendly products and putting them on business market; 4) Promoting healthy lifestyles through organic gardening, production of environmentally-friendly products, raising awareness on healthy relationships. These topics are very important in modern world and are officially stressed by the “Food group” in European Parliament, so we think that this project is parallel with their objectives and offers added value in finding the high-quality solutions achievable locally and globally; 5) Professionalisation and development of key competences and skills for youth workers; 6) Improvement of managerial skills through exchange of good practices in their work, which will result in better quality and increased motivation of the staff for their activities in youth working area; 7) Learning of innovative and improved ways of operating towards target groups, by providing more modern and attractive programs created at the meetings, for young people, volunteers and young NEET's in line with their needs and expectations; 8) Getting more experience and develop knowledge in area of EU/local project management and grant writing and in that way to find new financial resources for the projects (on local, regional and international level); 9) Establishing new non-profit organisation out of non-formal youth group in Sweden After the meetings of youth workers, each organisation will hold dissemination public event in their local communities (already drafted in preparatory stage of the project), where the results of the project will be shown (photo and video diary of the project, presentations by participants on subjects learned at meetings, presentations of physical and character improvement of participants, promotion of Erasmus+ program opportunities etc.). On this events local stakeholders (youth NGOs and other educational and youth-working organizations, local municipality) and media will be invited for purpose of further dissemination of the project The long term effect of the project would be seen through the newly formed network of organisations where the youth workers will have more opportunities for professionalisation, skills and experience development and to improve the implementation of their learned experiences in local communities and outreach their target groups more effectively.

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5 Partners Participants