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Food and raw materials (Skärgårdssmak – Livsmedel och råvaror)

The Skärgårdssmak project as a whole was meant to result in, among other things, EuropesBest Coastal Kitchen, based on a full pantry of good raw materials: Europes best raw materials.The aim of the project Skärgårdssmak – Food and raw materials was primarily to develop theproduction of raw materials and food processing in the region. By means of common marketactivities, a greater demand could be created for raw materials and processed foods from thearchipelago, which in turn would mean an increased turnover and better profits.An important part of the project was to produce qualitative, appealing and environmentallysound raw materials from the archipelago, as well as to manage and administer labelling of the foodswith the Skärgårdssmak label. The ultimate goal was to increase the number of producers using thetrademark and quality label of Skärgårdssmak, as well as to increase the number of products.Together with the main project of Skärgårdssmak a number of marketing events werecoordinated and organised to further establish and strengthen the Skärgårdssmak trademark.Within the project, active support was provided to new producers with the ambition tofocus on environment, quality and taste in their products. Simultaneously, a contact forumwas created for the archipelagos producers and products. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 48.9%   290 323,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Skärgården (SE-FI)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants