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„Folyamatos partnerség és együttműködés az EU iskolarendszerű szakképző intézményei között.”
Start date: Aug 24, 2014, End date: Aug 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our institute, the Ványai Ambrus Secondary School has successively been aspirant in the subprogram in the vocational training of the lifelong learning program since 1997. Our programs have been honoured with two Mobility Standard Prises, which have been realized in framework program “Leonardo” since 2009. More than 200 car- repairing and information technology students and teachers have taken part in our programmes since then. The attendances are from Jász – Nagykun – Szolnok county. They are secondary school students, mostly from our school. There are seven mobilities, three faculties, 55 students and training experts from our institute and from our partners, altogether 37 participants. We organise mobilities in our programmes based on our ten-year experiment. We build in our experiment into our programmes, so both halves – the students and the teachers can perceive, evaluate and measure the professional skills. (Measuring is taken by the ECVET tolls.) The numbers of the mobilities, the topic(s) to be learnt, the numbers of the participants are specified by the numbers of the available places. The numbers of the practice places are rising. The good practices are built in into our vocational plans, which are realized during the mobilities. The training programmes of the participants are presented by a bilingual degree and a Europass. The goals of our programmes are to motivate the participants into their professions, to improve their competences and professional, social, language and cultural skills in a multicultural and professional environment. The process elements of our programme - the determination of the goals which give “professional plus” - recruiting, choice, preparation - preparation of the mobilities for the person, so every participant can evaluate and follow up it - mobilities and their acknowledge - distribution of the results and the build-in, the takeover of the good experiments and finally - the determination of our following programme aims according to our long term international strategies The participants of our programmes get to know new techniques and technologies, their professional and language knowledge improve, they get more self-sufficient, they become more motivated into learning, into their profession, in the case of the teachers they get more motivated into teaching. Thanks to our qualified programmes the judgement of our institution has grown on international level, too. It can be measured during the schooling and more and more new international partners contact us. Our project realized by Hungarian and foreign strategic partners (training institutes, chambers, companies, firms) are realized with the partners’ pledges and undertakings on high-level quality assurance.

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5 Partners Participants