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Following the footprints of the Emperors
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

When you look at the world from space, you will see a wonderful elliptical puzzle that is formed by countries. Each part, which has a local and separate beauty, form the most beautiful object of the universe when they come together. But, even if you ignore only one part, the whole magic will disappear. Although these countries are separated from each other by barbed wires, they stick to each other with a stronger bond, history. And two of the most important actors that shaped history are the Roman Empire and its lingua franca, Latin Language because when we look back through history, we realize that the existence of Roman Empire was somehow a foreshadowing for the 21th century ( the Empire was in the role of European Union and Latin Language was used to communicate through the whole Empire as we use English through the whole Europe and world.) But today, most of the people in countries in which Roman Emperors reigned, created and applied their innovative and permanent rules and implementations and built their great buildings showing their empirical genius are not aware of their own heritages and do not know how the Emperors’ rules affected today's daily and social life. In our Project,during which 313 students and teachers are going to take active roles, our methodology will be consisted of seven steps: 1. Question: We will question how the roman Empire affected our own area, what they did, acquired or lost, why they built these amazing buildings, how they shaped their environment. 2. Search: We will make researches in order to see different aspects of the people who ruled in our lands for years. 3. Think: Our students will think of the connection between history and today. 4. Go and see: We are going to organize excursions to these old Roman cities to see and observe what what the lifelike then; what are the similarities and differences. 5. Find out: We are going to find out answers to our questions. 6. Get connection: After the inquiry and discovery, we are going to get the parts together. 7. Share: And finally, we are going to share what we have found out not only with the partners of the Project but also with the community. So, we are going to make some excavations to Roman Empire, the most important common point among partner countries in order to make our students understand the importance of heritages in their own countries and then to learn to appreciate the others' values and finally understand that they share a similar background with others and this collective and shared history make them a unite in spite of cultural or social differences. And this gained approach will lead to acting together against an other crisis. In our age, the most suitable and largest area to make investment is communication technology which has a market worth € 2 000 billion according to European 2020 strategy. So we want to open a gate to this digital world by our activities;designing 3-D Roman city, creating application for android phones, ,designing Roman Empire clothes producing posters, calendar, brochures, booklets, Roman Empire Gods and Goddess, albums of architecture and Roman Emperors, vocabulary study book But we believe that without imagination and creativity, technology is useless and fruitless. So we are aiming to develop our students' creative and innovative thinking abilities via our workshops; designing mosaics, producing materials from leather and clay, Roman Empire child toys, printing a legend book , a comics book for our mascot's adventures, short videos that criticize the problems in our education systems , performing a Roman tragedy, archaeological excavations and historical re-creation of a former Roman city. And also, most of our activities are going to be conducted as competences in which the pupils are going to work as a team established by students from different countries, to prepare our students for fierce rivalry in today's labor world which are in need of people have got 4C'S (creativity, critical thinking, collaborating and communicating). Our students are going to work as a team, use English to communicate and collaborate in Olympic games, designing clothes, mosaics, handicrafts from leather and clay, Snake Ladder game, the most innovative idea of application and wearable technology, which will promote non-formal learning. With the help of our activities, workshops and team-building games, our pupils, who are 14-9, are going to be more employable with their boosted self-esteem, developed skills of working as a team, 4C'S and fostered competence in English and ICT. Via schools with strengthened European dimension, teachers with developed professional horizons and students who are more intentional to learn, we are going to reach better educational levels that will lead to increase in employment and reduce in poverty.

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