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FOLLOW THE WOMEN - WOMEN FOR BUSINESS (Helping women to make their business)

Despite the EU’s success in improving gender policy, the European Union is still far to challenge gender inequality. In particular, inequality addresses to gender access of market because of the greater difficulties of women in engaging in business, in accessing credit and training as compared to men.Our mission within the Grundtvig Learning Partnership is to further strengthen women entrepreneurship. The Project is intended to improve the learning and know how exchange processes among the partners, for the establishment and the development of women enterprise. The potential entrepreneurs supported by the project will be women with social or vocational difficulties who are living in disadvantaged situations. Our commitment is to design a Project as a continuing programme for the exchange of experiences. Each theme will be assessed and disseminated through exchange meetings hosted by a different partner State. During the meetings, groups of women coming from each State of the partnership will provide a point of the view on process leading to the establishment of women enterprise. In order to have best practices, the project will analyse various tools and practices regarding the support used in European regions as regards:- Communications of tools available - Use of funding- Support practices
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5 Partners Participants