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Fókuszban a brit közoktatási rendszer- Módszertani megújulás egy angol általános iskola oktatási stratégiáinak megismerésével
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is a job shadowing possibility in a British primary school, getting to know about the British educational system as a whole and about the methodology of each subject : -What kind of methods do British teachers use when teaching reading, writing, music, science, geography and foreign languages at school? -What kind of techniques, creative ideas do they use so as to motivate children to deal with the different subjects with pleasure? -How do they integrate the special needed children and pupils with special behaviour in everyday teaching? -What kind of information technology devices do they use in the classroom and how do they deal with the issue of internet safety? -How can they educate pupils to become environment conscious and nature lover grown ups? Our aim is a methodological renewal, which covers the main areas of teaching at a primary school. Discovering new, innovative and more effective methods with the help of the British educational system instead of the traditional, usual and worn off techniques. A former partner school, the primary school of St Cleer, Cornwall would provide us with the job shadowing opportunity. We have been in very good contact with the headteacher of this institution for years. During the five day long mobility each participating teacher will visit several lessons on different areas of teaching so as to obtain more and more experiences and teaching ideas. Our goal is to get to know about the positive ideas of the British educational system. The participating teachers would be experts in different subjects: we would like to ask an English teacher and three junior class teachers for this task as they teach the age group that is taught at the English partner school (pupils between six and eleven). We are going to find the most suitable teachers for this mobility by asking them to have different tests. One of our teachers would visit maths, science and geography lessons, the other teacher would deal with dance, drama, technology, art and music, the third teacher would be interested in languages and English lessons, the fourth teacher would visit P.E and sports classes as well as investigate the behaviour of special needed children. All teachers would investigate ICT lessons together. In the preparatory part we are going to plan the schedule, we are going to create a dissemination plan and have a discussion about the processes and the programme. In the main part we are going to choose the most suitable teachers and organize the journey. In the meantime we are going to have preparation sessions on culture and English every week. During the mobility our main activity is job shadowing but we are going to take part in the lessons actively with pleasure. We would like to introduce our school, town, country and a piece of our culture (folk dance traditions) to the partner school. We are going to outline the framework of a possible future project together. After returning home we would like to evaluate our job at different levels and we would like to use our knowledge in everyday teaching and in the pedagogic programme as well. We are going to disseminate our experiences in several ways and we are going to make efforts to use the results after finishing the project as well. During the mobility the participants are going to get to know the innovative techniques of the British educational system and they share their experiences with the teachers and the pupils of our institution. Moreover, they are going to receive cultural details, their creativity will increase, their language skills, digital and science competences will be developed. The good reputation of our institution will be increased. The motivation of our pupils will also be aroused as they are going to get to know about interesting and innovative teaching and learning methods and they will be enriched by cultural details about Britain. They will be more sensitive towards learning English as well.

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