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FOI (Formation pour l'Ouverture à l'International)
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The opening to Europe and on the international stage is at the center of the school project of Sainte-Thérèse High School in Quimper. Our school is well known for its opening on the world , its dynamism and its open-minded spirit .The headmaster and the teachers committed in the project are very attentive to pupils. They are all looking for a coherence, a relevance, a dynamism and an efficiency which are all proofs of a thoughtful thorough school project . Through our pedagogical and professional actions our aim is to develop in our pupils the skills that are linked to the three main axis of our school project : "an opening on the world and communication", "education in the discernment" as well as "personal development and fulfilment for all". Four ideas are at the stem of this project:- to broaden teachers' training, - to boost and encourage the exchanges between them, - to renew and diversify our teaching for the pupils' sake ,- to prepare our pupils to live in tomorrow' s world Some Actions and projects have been led for many years : the creation of a European Spanish Section in 2002, correspondences and physical exchanges with English, Spanish and Italian schools as well as cultural journeys in European countries, eTwinning member since 2013.Being deeply concerned with our school's evolution, we do feel the constant need to brush up our methods, and offer innovative educational strategies. Various staff meetings have enabled us to define the following new goals:- rejuvenate existing projects (for example in the European section: we are planning to organize a trip to Latin America, meetings with Spanish artists, and an initiation to Cuban dances);- set up new projects, carried out by teachers from various subjects, and who are engaged in the mobility programme (for example, we are planning to associate modern literature and classical literature in a common project after sending both teachers over to Italy);- develop our offer in formation, teaching methods and training (more and more teachers are taking the additional certification in languages);-favour, again and again, the intercultural dialogue between education professionals and young Europeans (making them feel like exchanging, sharing, helping each other, and discovering Europe and the World);- prepare our pupils to professional mobilities which have become unavoidable at the time of our hypermodern societies, characterized by an increasing flow of European and world exchanges. Our participation to this programme will indeed allow us to create new opportunities for the pupils and the future students within the European Union, regarding training and employment. This European Development plan encourages the educational team to make a commitment in a common project of reflection with our European colleagues. Wishing to propose an up-to-date teaching to its pupils, Ste Therese school sees in the Erasmus + programme an opportunity to be seized for a training of quality.Six teachers from the high school, aged from 28 to 42 years old volunteer today to take part in diverse trainings of linguistic, sociolinguistic, educational, didactic, digital, methodological or cultural order.Two language teachers (Spanish and Italian) will be able to acquire new knowledge and skills, to coordinate and enrich their teaching methods with their European colleagues or to consider new partnerships.In connection with our European Section, two teachers will be able to improve their language skills and cultural knowledge in their respective fields – Economics and Social Sciences and Physical Education – and think of new attitudes and teaching methods to enhance the potential of the students following this course.Two other teachers – a French teacher and a Classics teacher – are considering following distinct courses in Italy and then, they will coordinate their work to exploit together the skills and knowledge they will have acquired.The project will reverberate on the whole teaching team as it will favour inter-disciplinarity and cross-disciplinarity and will inspire all of us with new determination. The school will go on reinventing itself by enlarging its teaching offer. The teachers will put what they will have discovered into practice, to the advantage of their students who, besides the obvious linguistic interest, will also benefit from an updated, rich and quality education, favouring international contacts and partnerships with other schools within the E.U.Together, the teachers who are involved in this Erasmus + project will improve their teaching at Lycée Ste Thérèse thanks to more coherence, relevance, dynamism and efficiency, the final aim of which is to prepare our students to become the men and women of tomorrow, citizens, European citizens and citizens of the World.
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